Why not get value for your money?
Unknown_prince's forum posts
I actually have enough money to buy 2 of each console existing and games. Sorry if some of my responses have words together, I'm not at my house right now using my good PC.
I am getting all consoles like the NintendoWii, etc. I'm just waiting for the new Xbox360 or the Xbox720 so that I can at least also have a Blu-Ray drive like my Playstation3 for true HDTV movies.
I do own a decent PC able to play at least Assassin's Creed 2 on medium settings, but I mostly use my PC to develop stuff you know game engines, etc. Is Modern Warfare 2 nice on PC and Xbox360? And I do own a HDTV with DVI input.
I own a Playstation3 (don't hate me now) but, I really was convinced by the Xbox360. I read about how the Xbox360 and Playstation3 are so alike but totally different to each other. The Playstation3 just renders the textures lighter making it look a little cheap compared to the Xbox360 and it costs more to develop games for the Playstation3 so they have to use different techniques. I was wondering should I buy me an Xbox360 because it really is cool, I'm not a fan boy so I don't hate theXbox360 or prefer the Playstation3 it's just that I'm use to playing on the Playstation3's controller and not on an Xbox360 controller. So I will be waiting then, thank you for helping me.
I'm finally getting a HDTV at the end of this month, which make should I buy? Sony Bravia maybe, something between (I don't know how much the stuff in other countries cost but in South Africa we have the South African Rand (ZAR/R) currency, 1$ = R7.00/R10.00 sometimes) R2,500.00 and R6,000.00. Please I need help on this one, I'm buying a LCD not a Plasma.
Its not worth selling a B/C Playstation3 60GB for a Non-B/C Playstation3 360GB. my friend has a Playstation3 60GB that has B/C, I wish I could play my Playstation2 titles on my Playstation3. Do any of you know where I can get the Harry Potter 1 and 2 for Playstation?
So MusashiSensithinks i'm a joke, well I'm actually very serious. My game developing studio's name is Side Effect Games, we are based in South Afica. Pop in next year if you can afford to, also expect a PC and PlaystationPortable title next year. The PC title will be released in Christmas and the PSP next year mid term. I also develop for Xbox360 market place. Some people say Xbox360 is better than Playstation3 but actually the reason why Xbox360 has some better games is because it costs more to develop and license approve your game your making with Sony, like I said I could actually easily make a Xbox360 game and get it to be sold in under 7 days. Sorry going off-topic a little.
This is for people who got the code and for people who didn't. Since I'm almost a legal PlaystationPortable game developer for Sony European Entertainment Inc. I know a few things. Sony has a system which they view the PlaystationNetwork users on. It dislays how often your online, what games you have already played on your Playstation3 when you were online and other things like that. If you perhaps play a lot of shooting/war games and have collecting most of the trophies for that game or difficult trophies for that game, they are more likely to send you a code or if you are committed and play a lot online thats how you get the codes for any upcoming BETA or a full free game. Heres a secret about Fat Princess, don't spread it around alot but, Sony actually wanted to have a BETA for it. WR_platinum, I saw you playing online remember, we are online friends of course. You play it a lot
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