I seriously lost respect for this guy. Did he really just go and blame guns for violence? The 9/11 attacks were carried out with box cutter knives and planes. The Oklahoma Bombings were carried out with a truck bomb. The Boston Massacre was carried out with pressure cookers and other rigged explosives. It's not the guns, it's the fucked up people with fucked up ideologies, mental health issues, or just plain psychotic rage. If someone has the will to kill, then it doesn't matter if it's a gun, a knife, a bomb, or their fists. They will find a way to kill, and unless someone is there to stop them, they will carry out the attack. This ignoramus and others like him don't do us any favors. Yes, thank you for making the Doom games and your creativity, but please spare us of your ignorance on the matter, Romero.
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