:O Wow, those games are so amazing though...FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Dragoon, Xenogears... basically all the old PS1 RPGs I guess.
UnsaidWarning's forum posts
It gets a little slow towards the end, especially because the whole bunch of the film mostly relies on blank stares and jump scares, but overall one of the best in a few years. Also, like someone previously said, it pushes the rating a bit so don't worry about that. Great CGI, and some pretty amusing classic make-up stuff.
Y: The Last Man is a great epic 10 volume series. Really powerful, has a slow ending but a great start.
Runaways is also great, and is also by Brian K. Vaughn so if you like Y and enjoy superhero teen groups, its fantastic.
Second best superhero teen team are the Young Avengers. There aren't a whole lot of volumes but they are a great team and very interesting.
Also, read anything by the Luna Brothers or Garth Ennis. Preferably Girls and Preacher. The Luna Brothers have a very interesting distinctive art style and their novels are played out like films and have great shots and humor, along with great character development and plot twists.
Preacher by Garth Ennis is the greatest series of all time, but if you are easily offended by dark humor and anti-religious themes then it isn't for you. But even with its grotesque scenes and slightly sloppy art style, it reaches the point of "This is so awesome..." and remains the strongest series I have ever read.
And if you like the X-men nothing gets better than Whedons Astonishing X-Men series, the finale is amazing and the characterization is the best done in years.
I have a huge collection, just PM me with anything your specifically looking for though and I can totally help you find some good reads. :D
I like how people take the time to reply to this message saying that "They don't care."
Then again I'm taking the time to point this out, just slightly less pretentious though.
I'm gay and sure, technically I could have sex with women, I could also have sex with sheep or apple pie... Do I want to? No, but I could technically. But I'll say it again, it seems that a lot of people only think of the sex part when they hear the word homosexuality. They somehow think that homosexuality is nothing more than HAVING SEX with the same gender. Well I got news for you, it's about love. I cannot control who makes me get butterflies in my stomach, it just isn't happening with women. I don't get that warm feeling of happiness inside from a woman, I don't long to be with one or share my life with one. I want to wake up next to my boyfriend, cuddle on the couch with him, be with him, because I LOVE him. The sex part is just a bonus.TheFlushThis is a great point, regardless of the trolling of the thread and sarcastic posts so far.
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