Have the Dead or Alive developers handle this. I would never leave my house.
Then again, if I had this game, I wouldn't leave the house in the first place. Yes, I know I'm a lonely son of a bitch....but at least I'll be a HAPPY lonely son of a bitch :D
Doesn't matter. This console is still going down my pants a couple months after launch.
But really, this is lazy on their part. How would they know it wouldn't cater to "hardcore" gamers? Last I checked they aren't doing shit to help the console with their hardcore games.
Just proves they'll turn just about anything into a crappy reality show. For every good or decent TV show there are about 100 crappy ones.
Maybe I should start my own TV show. I can throw Pepsi cans at my angry neighbor for a half hour while a laugh track plays everytime I hit him. Wow I can get rich off this...
@chikahiro94 Yeah, the 12 or so free games being offered this month through PS+ actually motivated me to break out a promo code I got by pre-ordering Starhawk. :P So pre-ordering has it's benefits. xD
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