14.07.2007 13:00
Back in 2004, I've bought Ninja Gaiden for XboX and was one of the Guy who though, that this Game is tough. So damn tough, that I can't make it to first Save Point. But I get used to the Game mechanics, learned to be a Ninja, and finished this Game on Normal Mode.Well, it's one those Games, which are easy to learn, but hard to master. It is hard, no matter what others say, hard in a way, that you have to play this this Game with Tactics(not TicTac),Block and Counter, Patience until your Enemy attacks you, dodge and hit back.
Then Hurricane Pack I and II makes Ninja Gaiden a completely new Experience, for some Peoples. In fact, I've downloaded them, but at the first Alma Battle, my XboX Harddisk Drive died and I gave up on it !
In 2006 I've bought Ninja Gaiden Black for my 360, and at the Battle with the 3 Red Dragons (took me a long Time,to get there) I've downloaded Ninja Gaiden Sigma (US-Store) and keep on playing this one, until I've got Sigma.
Now it's Sigma, and I love it like the other ones.Sure, the Core of this Game is still in, where you have to go, or what to do, even most of the Scarbs are at the same Places. But the Game has changed, graphic-wise. Take the first Level, Demo Level. While you're starting surrounded by Rocks as XboX Gaiden, there is a colourful , open wide Area as the PS3 Ninja. So you're gonna find in every Level some changes, more Details and better Textures and smoother Animations.But by all it's Beauty, why does the Water look that "unreal". In the Red Eye Room..:(it could have looked so much better. And while walking/standing on a Ledge (?) you see Ryu's Shadow on the Floor underneath but no shadow underneath Ryu, so the Shadow standing in Mid Air. But as a Graphics-Ho, I adore this Game. It looks like a Movie; the Fight with Rachel and Gamov was so immense, pure Action, very, very good.
Now I reached the Save point on the Bridge, before the Heli Battle. I've hated this one in NG on XboX, sticked the for over 2 weeks, with 1 Potion and half of Health, God I hated it. But now, since you can use the Bow while Jumping, it makes this Battle a bit less harder.
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