Why would the look of the needler change.... I thought the Covernant were a society that didn't invent or change things, but adopted technologies from different species....
@brewer100: The reason many older cross-platform games looked better on the Xbox than they did on the PS3 is because the PS3's Cell processor is difficult to program for compared to previous generations, while the Xbox has a fairly simple architecture. As programmers got more experienced with the Cell processor, the games began to look better.
Everyone knows the Xbox handles polygons and textures better, but the PS3 has much more depth. Personally the screen shots look darker and more pixulated on the Xbox 360 than they do on the PS3. Just my two cents.
Wow. Invisible windows. You are genius Mircosoft! Mac has only had that for a couple of years since 10.4 by pressing F11. Wow runs on a Gigabyte of ram! Mac 10.5 (the latest) runs on 512mb (minimum) and has all of the above features. Window's software is behind... I'm only stating the facts...
"Windows Vista taught Microsoft a lot about what not to do when launching a new operating system. Don't launch an operating system with shoddy driver support. Don't launch an operating system that's ridiculously slower than your last operating system. And finally, don't launch an operating system that requires a huge memory upgrade to run as well as the operating system it's replacing. After spending a week with Microsoft's new Windows 7 beta, we can say that the company has taken the Vista lessons to heart in its latest OS." Microsoft are learning! If the learned then they wouldn't have made the same mistake a second time! Windows 7 sounds a lot like the Windows 98 to the 95. Except their trying to fix Vista this time. Clearly Microsoft can't learn from their mistakes they made a decade ago, and are destined to continue this cycle in another decade.
The Xbox seems a bit smoother, but the PS3 looks bit lighter. The PS3 looks a bit incomplete. Note in picture one shadow of bridge pillar missing. Im just speculating but maybe this is a case of designer being lazy on PS3?
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