Ok I don't see what gamespot is getting at, but if there is a difference, that the hardware of the Playstation 3 is NOT to blame. The only problem is the programmer. Programmers aren't quite used to the Playstation 3s hardware. Wait a year, and then even if gamespot is being paid by Microsoft, they won't be able to turn this argument around.
@j-bides "the most powerful game console ever." thank you. did you know that world renowned astrophysicist Dr. Gaurov Khana has linked up 8 ps3s to crunch through his numbers on his Black Hole research rather than hire a supercomputer. Also im note a fanboy. I don't even own a ps3
@zoter Ok i was wrong 3 years. but does that make my case wrong? @giftedslayer lets hope so. the last xbox was terrible and microsoft need to remake the millions of dollars they lost giving away new Xbox360s rather than fixing them.
(NOTE: I do not own either console but i have spent hours playing on both.) Well of course Assassins Creed looks about the same on either console. Do you think they're going to re program the whole game for the PS3. No, they aren't even going to stretch the limits of the PS3 by using a game that was specially made for it. Hmmm, I wonder if the Xbox 360 could cope with Uncharted, Drakes Fortune. That game is BEAUTIFUL and yet it only uses 32% of the Playstation 3s graphical power. This comparison is useless, just because comparing two consoles on a game that does not even use a fraction of the PS3s power proves nothing. This game came out a couple of months after the release of the PS3, so programmers aren't used to using it, while the Xbox 360 has been out for 4+ years, so programmers know the in and outs of the system. Yes Assassins Creed make look better on the Xbox 360 rather than the PS3. And yes the PS3 may be harder to program for, but Xbox games are just about to hit a wall, where the Xbox can no longer cope with the share power and graphics of the ps3. So for now the Xbox 360 may come out on top when it comes to a watered down game for the PS3, but in a couple of years, the Xbox 360 will be all blocky compared to the PS3.
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