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Uwthree Blog

Blaigen Phoogen Shaigen Toogen-gen. And a Togetic.

Gym system's up, if you want to be in a gym or take your place in the E$ let me know. I'll have to test you if you want to be in E4 though.

So yeah.

Either way came out of a very good battle with Diablo_66 earlier, which has helped my Wi-Fi drought recover. I lost though, it was still bloody excellent anyway.

If any of you want a match PM me your in-game name and friend code (I'll need those if you want to become a leader/E4 member anyway) and I'll PM you mine.


Aww phooey.

I forgot all about the wiffy thing I was gonna do. :(

Setting up a gym system in ACGU though, so hopefully I'll have matches soon.

Blarg bloop woop finger number what?

I hate thinking up blog title names.

Either way, in 3 and a half hours I get my bus to school (grr) and I'm &^!ing bored.

Also I keep asking for wifi matches but never deliver. So today/tommorow (May still be 23rd where you live at time of writing, thus I shall say the 24th), from 6:30pm GMT to 8:30pm GMT, I will be wifi-ing. PM me your FC and add me yourself and I may have you a game if your team intrigues me. In other words, if you've a good team I'll play you. I want to fit as many matches in as possible as well, so I may even extend the bar to something like 5:45pm to 9pm if I can be bothered. Lucky y'all.



Massive Shameless Self Promotion

Promotion #1: ACGU
Representative Image:
Location: Gamespot
Details: Full name's Anime Central Game Union, it's on GS so it's simple enough to access without having to create ten billion accounts. So yeah.

Promotion #2: TTC
Representative Image:
Location: Proboards
Details: Full name's The Tribute Connection. Don't worry if you can't access it after confirming your email, as your accounts have to be approved by an admin first, so please use your GS name when signing up there.

Promotion 3: Dokekui
Representative Image: None yet
Location: Proboards
Details: Mainly an RP board, although there are subsections too. There's no registration restriction, so you don't get that bother of waiting on me to confirm it. I consider TTC to be more my main project than Dokekui or ACGU however.

That's all folks, please do join 'em.


Edit: Title fixed

The dead hath risen.

I'm not on about vampires either.

So I'm currently bored and was wondering is anyone wanted to play a match of Pokemon DPP over WiFi?


Birthday blog... Oh yes, at last.

As it's passed midnight here, it's officially the 6th. As such it's officially my birthday. As such I finally have the DS I was supposed to have last christmas. OH YES!

Also pleased with ACGU progress so far, keep up the excellent work everyone!



I'm going to start working on some ranks for the ACGU. There'll be ones for both recruits and officers, varying depending on activity and post quality. If you want to to suggest any anime or game characters, now's the time to do so.

Something a bit nostalgic? Please read.

I know what you're thinking, "Here we go again, another union that'll die within a week", but maybe it's won't. You see, this is going to be the remake of a union I made a long time ago, Anime Central Game union. Oh yes, it shall make it's return. I have a couple of charters in mind, but I'd like to fill all 8 slots, so if you wish to volunteer I would appreciate it greatly.


Bite, Dokekui

So I didn't do the vlog. Eh well.

I have a new Zanpakuto!

Well, I've had it for a while now, but it's name was in spanish before, although now it's in japanese english thus all is good

Name: Dokekui (Venom)
Call: Bite

Bankai Name: Dokekui Zetsumetsu (Venom Extinction*)
Call: End thier suffering

Spirit: A large basilisk with 4 blades protruding from it's back.

That's it for now, I'll add other details in later blogs, so watch the "Zanpakuto Progression" at the end of them.

*Although this is translated as "Venom extinction", it's real name is "Extinction", it's initial name being added as all initials are added unto future forms.

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