Just realised I made a mistake. I said it was Stark's nickname for Tousen, but it's actually Grimmjow's. Well, it was really my own fault, starting to work on a chapter at around 5am. Either way, I'm starting work on Chapter Three now, I'll keep ya updated.
Komamura himself isn't the problem. All I need from him is a small blood sample, and someone as big as him shouldn't feel anything from a needle as small as this one. But Halibel shoots a cero at me everytime I get near him. I can deflect it easily enough by pushing reiatsu out through my hand, but it's an inconvenience, I'd rather not have ceros shot at me.
Haa, I really need to find out if Komamura has wolf DNA in him, but the results will be disasterous if I meet Urahara, and I don't want the Tercera shooting more Ceros at me... Hmm...
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