I liked God of War 3 and Alien Vs. Predator. The only game I can think of that was disappointing was Fable 3, and I never even played it lol. Just from what I've heard from those who have played it, and especially all the points Angry Joe gave in his video review. I liked the first, short but fun. This one looks... awful.
VAAC84's forum posts
I just bought both Twisted Metal 2 (didn't hold up well, even with the nostalgia factor) and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which so far is awesome, and every bit exactly like Metroid that everyone told me it would be. I should have bought Metal Gear Solid and put that 6$ for TM2 towards the new TM coming out this year. Ah, buyers remorse!
At where I work we're selling off the first Dead Space to make room for the sequel, I'm going to pick that up for 10$. Granted I get through that soon enough, I'll end up getting DS2 about a month or two after.
I've never met someone with that elitist of an attitude before, but I don't doubt they exist. I don't doubt this, because there are people like this for literally everything. Look around a video game forum, you'll see "I refuse to play "X system", I'm above that". Music forums? "X band/genre is the worst band/genre ever, and you should kill yourself for liking it!". Movies, magazines, sports, television, food, politics, it's maddening to think that so many people can feel superior to others because their thoughts/opinions/tasteare different.however, it's always been my opinion that many people hold themselves in too high of regard. All our **** stinks, get over it and try being decent to somebody for once!
One vote for and against Castlevania, eh?
I think I'll go with it because I'm a huge fan of the series, and the light RPG elements sound tasty. Also gonna grab Twisted Metal 2, now that I see they have it. I think I'll nab MGS as well, and that's it. I'll leave FF7 be until I get through with tohse other games and have the time to play it exclusively.
Thanks fellas.
I'd like to D/L these games from PSN, in your opinions are they worth it?
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy VII
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
And if not those games, then maybe some recommendations?
Fable 2 & 3. Neither one delivered on the promise of the original, and were mediocre games wrapped up in novel ideas, none of which are executed very well.AndromedasWakeThese. Had a blast with the first, thankfully never bothered with the other two.
These are the games I'm thinking about:
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 7
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Thoughts, opinions? Are they worth the 5-10$? Any suggestions?
I used to be hardcore as a kid, from the NES up to and including the N64. Now my days are filled with... ugh... work, as well as having recently became more interested in film (working my way through some classics) and my ever continuing obsession with music, and sports, and I just got into Dexter which is my newest obsession. Damn.
I still love and play video games, just not on a daily basis.
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