If you still have your 360, try again or send it to me. I've never heard that MS will take only one from each address. Was the case popped, or the console bought 2nd hand? That would be the only reason they wouldn't honor the warranty.
I personally will never disgrace myself and buy a wii, as a gamer i would feel very dirty and i will refuse to buy casual trash. I have recently purchased a ps3 so this completes my current gen lineup with the 360 and the ps3. Anyone else like me and wont purchase a Wii EVER?-platy-
*gives Thread Creator cookie*
*waits three minutes*
*tells thread creator it was rubbed on a Wii first*
I think a lot of the hate directed towards the 'big titles' that most people like is simply an attempt to be edgy and gain 'board cred'. I noticed it first with Halo 2, but it has grown. I don't think it is hype related per se, but more popularity related (there wasn't nearly as much hype for CoD4 before release as Halo 3, but they both seem to call down the wrath of teh hardcore).
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