Like when XIII-2 was announced I am quite worried about this game as well. Let's hope they at least change the combat system dramatically. Because QTEs and Pokemon style collecting didn't make a game-old combat system any more refreshing.
@DanTheMan33088 @sephirothsfan02 It probably will be a disappointment because, historically, when there have been huge delays in production between annoucing and releasing games (Daikatana, Too Human) the games have been awful. The thing is, if you announce a game in 2006, why leave it for so long to make it? Doesn't make sense.
@Morokoo @kiramasaki XIII-2 has an incomprehensible story as the characters clearly have no basis to measure their assumptions (clearly none of them have a PhD in time travel) but seem to find solutions to their problems like they know exactly what's going on. The line "It must be a paradox!" drove me crazy. How they managed to get people to believe that Lightning went from a L'Cie to a warrior of the Goddess is beyond me. To me the whole plot is nonsensical and there should be no XIII-3 if they want to save their audience.
@tachsniper @Tygraph It wasn't completely awful. The human drama made up to Chapter 7 interesting and it was quite pretty. As for everything else ... it's all been covered before really.
I've disliked the general direction of Square-Enix for the past 6 years or so with them releasing one sub-par game after another. Versus better be outstanding.
All I know now from this whole sour episode is that all Bioware games are not a Day 1 buy. It's a shame really because on the whole I did enjoy ME3 but a number of niggly aspects brought it down. But DA2 ... whole different kettle of fish. No idea what Mike Laidlaw was thinking.
VaanXPenelo's comments