Well, I'd like to say this blog is going to be filled with tales of the drunken stupidity that you have all come to know and love about me, but it's not. Fear not though - I managed to get plenty drunk anyways on my trip. Like I said before... I -AM- the party. :D
So, let me start at the beginning - but first I have to explain something. In a former life I pissed off the god of Airplane seats. I must have - because my luck on airplanes is so bad it has to be the design of a higher being, amusing himself at my expense.
Wednesday: I worked all day - in fact, I busted my @.$$ - trying to finish up as much as possible so as not to leave a ton of work for when I returned. Seemed logical enough to me anyways... After work, I went out and had some drinks with my boss. His girlfriend showed up and got mad at him for drinking on a Wednesday, but he promptly pointed out that I am, in fact, the devil.... And she knows I'm pretty persuasive when it comes to having a good time out. So she sat with us and had a few drinks before remembering she was mad and left in a huff. Funny how that works.... The night then transitioned into
Thursday: About 2am I stumble into my place and go immediately to my liquor cabinet and break out a fresh bottle of Crown. I cranked the music and proceeded to indulge in my hookah. The flavor was a mix between vanilla and orange... which actually turned out to be pretty good - despite my drunkenness. It is now 3:30am. "Crap - I haven't packed yet" 5am "I guess I'll pack now." So I collected a random assortment of clothing and shoved them into a bag. (Seemed like a good idea at the time) I then returned to my drink and hookah. 6am "I'm pretty tired... but I should probably just stay awake until I get on the plane otherwise I might not wake up in time for -" 7:14am My mom was calling my cell over and over again she was outside waiting to take me to the airport. Whoops. I then ran (read: stumbled) through my house collecting everything.. wallet, keys, cellphone, ipod. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY IPOD!?!?" I didn't find it. :evil: The trip to the airport was uneventful, as was the waiting to board. I took my seat at last.. window seat. Over the wing. As always. "Figures." I say to myself. I then proceed to pretend I'm not incredibly uncomfortable. Then I realize... "I'm hungover." And I want nothing more than to get off the plane and lay down in a cold dark room with no sound. If you've ever been conscious as a hangover slowly claws it's way through your body, you know how truly miserable it can be, and you can't tell how bad it's going to get. During the flight I was maintaining pretty well, and for the first time I wasn't seated next to Darwin's nightmare version of human de-evolution. It was a pleasant older couple who were really just nice as could be, a first for me. Too bad I was hungover balls. When the lady got up to go to the bathroom, I took my chance to escape and bolted for the back of the plane and proceeded to conduct the time honored traditional ceremony of removing as much of the alcohol from my system as fast as possible. (For the naïve and inexperienced - I went and threw up - You'll learn) I immediately became all sunshine and happiness for the remainder of the 4 hour flight. On the ground in San Jose, feeling fully rejuvenated and ready for the day, my friend picked me up at just after 10am. (I lost two hours on the flight over - or as I like to call it... I time traveled. Flux Capacitor FTW) Our first stop was the liquor store, per my instructions.
We also drove to about 6 other liquor stores looking for tiny bottles of alcohol to throw in gift bags for the bridesmaids... we didn't find them. After that, it was time for lunch, and whenever I'm in California, I like to knock a few years off my lifespan by visiting In n' Out Burger. No trip is complete without the I-n'O. Good stuff. The rest of the day and night was spent drinking crown, and playing Mario Kart wii.
Friday: Considering I had not slept in over 24 until the night before, the fact that I woke up at 7am both confused and angered me. I then realized it was actually 9am my time. So I felt a little better. However if you've ever slept at anyone else's house and gotten up before them, you know it can be a little on the awkward side. So I took a shower and hoped when I emerged someone else would be alive. It was about this time I realized the clothing I had hastily packed in my drunken state left quite a bit to be desired. I had a ratty pair of jeans, 4 dress shirts, a pair of socks, a couple pairs of boxers; no t-shirts, no slacks, and the airport guy stole my toothpaste, and shaving stuff. So I went downstairs looking like a transient. Where I was met by ALL the bridesmaids... There's a great first impression. I made friendly with the conversation then promptly excused myself, borrowed (stole) my friends car and found the mall where I dropped 300 bucks or so on new clothes, and another 40 or so on the basics, razor, shaving cream, aftershave, deodorant, toothpaste. All the stuff airport security man took from me. Bastard. :evil: Back at my friends place I shaved, brushed my teeth, and changed into my new threads, thus allowing me to look slightly less like a guy he found on the street. We then proceeded to run around doing "wedding stuff" all day. I keep it vague here because I have no clue for the what and why of it all. After getting fitted for my tux it was kind of a blur until we were sitting in the church. I and the other 4 groomsman were sitting quietly as they were running through the ceremony. It was about that time I and 2 of the groomsman, along with the best man started cutting up like those kids who sit in the back of the cIassroom in high school and just get a kick out of themselves. We began to giggle like school girls. Much quoting of Wedding Crashers ensued. Afterwards it was strait to the rehearsal dinner, where I led my table of rejects to be the loudest, and most entertaining group there. Suitibly drunk on red wine, we had the time of our lives, and I got in good with the whole wedding party, and it was nice to have a group of people to hang with, which I don't get to do anymore. After that it was to a club in downtown San Jose called 'The Vault' where we had bottle service the whole night. 3 bottles of greygoose and redbulls later, and after a 900 dollar tab we called it a night.. well... most did. My friend (about to be married) his brother (the best man) and myself somehow ended up walking aimlessly around downtown trying to find a cab. Geoff and I were giggling endlessly and trying to push each other into various trees and bushes, while the best man was less than amused. We got home about 4:30 in the morning.
Saturday: This was supposed to be the designated recovery day. We were ALL feeling it. Somehow the bridesmaids rallied together though at 8am and did things with flowers while I sat with a blank cold stare on the couch. I wasn't really hungover, but exhaustion had caught up with me, and frankly being cheery was not high on my priority list. I didn't want to take a nap, thinking it'd be rude. About noon, I decided well screw it, I'm going to take a nap. Then a knock at the door. Groomsman #4 (the one who doesn't like to take part in the other groomsmans shenanigans comes in. Girlfriend in tow. I have nothing against either one of them, but they were pretty tired from the night before, and his girlfriend wants to lay down. The only available bed is mine... and I, being the gentleman, delay my own much desired and needed naptime for her sake and give up my room to her. 2 hours later she wakes up, and I begin my ascent up the stairs.. as soon as I lay down, in comes my friend "Hey dude get dressed, we've gotta go meet my parents for lunch" .. after some empty threats from me to reduce everyone in the house to ashes, I eventually dress myself and find a vehicle to sit in. More running around for wedding stuff, and finally I crashed into bed around 10pm.
Sunday: The wedding day. The Groom, Bestman, and Groomsman are all ready. The photographer comes, and we stand around posing for an hour. Pretending we're getting ready. Even when tuxedos are involved, ladies, we're still ready to go in 20 minutes, max. We arrive at the monastery on Santa Clara University. We go hang out in the back, lamenting the fact we were not yet drunk. Finally we got everything under way, and during the ceremony, as with the rehearsal, me and one of the groomsmen start whispering "Corenthians 3:19! 20 bucks!" "you're on" ... and now a reading from Corentians.. something something, then "we got a cryer, double or nothing" and sure enough the bride cried. If only I had meant it, I'd be 40 dollars wealthier right now. Oh well. The reception was fun, despite having no "real" alcohol. Wine and beer. However I am a professional drunk and made due with the wine. Good music, good friends, and just really a great time overall.
Monday: The time had come for me to leave. I was not looking foward to the flight home. I wasn't hungover, maybe a little tired. I just knew my flight there was just too uneventful. There was no way I'd get that twice in a row. Nonetheless I sat at the airport, watching, waiting. Finally the flight boarded, and on I went. Window seat, right over the wing. As always. The seats next to me weren't filling in though. I started thinking "wow, MAYBE I'll get this row to myself! that would be so awesome... well - thats not likely.. no better not think that." after about 10 minutes, still nothing. Then I started thinking " MAYBE a really, really hot girl will sit next to me and flirt with me the next 4 hours! That would be even BETTER!" - because hey, who couldn't use an ego boost?
Then I heard it.
The blood curdling cry of a whiney child coming towards me. I looked out my window "Oh please, airplane god, have mercy on me, I'm begging you!" .. then, as if I'd signed a contract with Satan himself, I got what I wanted. The kid did not sit next to me. His 400 pound mother did though, and he sat on the aisle seat. Kicking, and making a fuss about who knows what. "why airplane god to you detest me so? why why WHY!?" The plane was then delayed and sat on the runway for an hour. During this hour, this family (belonging to the 400 woman next to me and one of her offspring) broke out the BK. I'm not a huge fan of fast food to begin with, mind you. I'm not one to talk about the merits of nutritional value or anything, I just usually prefer something that I don't feel like crap after eating it. Although when I'm in a hurry or just need some quick food, hey - they don't call it fast food for nothing, and I make exceptions for things like I-n'O. So I'm not an innocent. HOWEVER, This armada had with them a giant bag of burger king - and it smelled like it had been in someones car trunk for a week. Gag me. I stared at my wing wanting desperately for the ground beneath it to go away so I could be on my way home.
Finally we did take off, but my adventures with Bigfoot and co. were not over. Next up on the "Annoy the hell out of Aaron to-do list" was to break out a bag of questionable fruit. This stuff smelled straight up rancid. Like if you throw something away, and forget to take out the trash immediately afterwards - and then you smell it a couple days later. Pure evil. When they finished it, I had pretty much come to the end of my sanity. Remember, I'm extremely OCD, being in close and constant contact with someone who has some obvious sanitation deficiencies is NOT easy for me.
But wait, It gets better.
So about halfway through the flight, it's time to break out the inflight snack. A small salad and a little cheese pizza with a twix bar for desert. I get my food, and I'm not suprised when my inflight friends take what is essentially their THIRD meal in two hours, but now it's time to involve Aaron. As I quietly ate my salad, trying desperately to think about being at home and not where I actually was I hear a voice to my left. "I can have?" Ignoring it, I continued to eat my salad. Then again, louder this time "I can have?" I sat back and looked at my neighbor, pointing excitedly at my unopened cheese pizza. "I have?" I am momentarily shocked and unable to speak, so for a FOURTH time, she says "I can have?" Seriously, who DOES that? My upbringing, or maybe just my understanding of society simply FORBIDS this conduct between complete strangers. I put my hand over my food and, as politely as I could mange, informed her that I have every intention of consuming my meager in flight snack. She seems to accept this fact and momentarily concedes her defeat. After I've finished my meal, my trash neatly tucked inside the box it all came in, I have nothing left but the twix, which I didn't really plan on eating, but it was sitting on my tray. Then once again, like returning to a bad dream after you wake up for a few minutes, calm yourself down and drift back to sleep - "I can have?" This time the pointing finger is directly in my line of sight. I think for a moment that perhaps I'm on one of those hidden camera shows where people **** with someone until they find their breaking point. Without a verbal reaction of any sort I picked up my candy bar and ate it in one bite. No. you can't have. Begone.
The flight was finished up with the kid kicking the seats and the grand finale of his mom letting him CLIMB OVER MY LAP to look out the window as we made our descent into Houston. I know what you're thinking... how did the kid make it past her stomach. Well. I'm here to tell you... he didn't. He just brought it with him. Think 'Along Came Polly' basketball scene.
If anyone wants me, I'll be taking a shower for the next 2 years.
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