Valkyrie_44's forum posts
I think the main thing people seem to be missing is that the Port Forwarding is a direct result of the use of Gamespy for the online component. I'm not quite sure that Gearbox can just patch out Gamespy.kieranb2000Thank you, good reference. Personally, I would rather have a bit more control over what content comes in and out of my network, which is a reason I use a sonicwall.
Windows 7 Professional was waiting for me last Thursday. I replaced my installation of Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit for Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. With what I am using here is is definitely a whole lot nicer, and with my experience with touch screen and Win XP Mode VM,and the package of improvements namely tweaks with performance and UI, I am finding a good overall purchase.
I don't care if you like them, or if you use them, or if you think the keyboard and mouse is better and blah blah blah.
Do you own a PC-compatible control pad?
I own a couple X360 for PC variants, must say not a bad investment.I'm trying to limit the framerate in stalker at 60, anyone know how?
Can I ask why please? In all likelihood REforever may be having issues with image tearing. Limiting framerate should help fix that sort of problem.I realize using 2 routers is only going to complicate things further but I have been running my own personal network here for programming purposes but I haven't been using the other comp much lately so I could ditch it. What is the problem with RDP? I don't know much about networking yet so please enlighten me. I already have a wireless card, I just hadn't been using it. I also needed the ethernet connection for a virtual machine I had been using and the router allowed me to aviod having wire running through the middle of the house.
RDP= Usually means Remote Desktop, so I don't get the context. Camalslayer, you have two routers, disable DHCP on the second one, so the main router will assign ips itself. Make sure they are running on the same subnet Eg Then port forward on the main router, if this doesn't work your ISP is blocking inbound traffic, sucks :( I was using RDP, ( I use it alot to connect to work and into my home network), as an example of how having two routers noted can become a real pain in the hoo-haa when an outside location is trying to connect. With one of Carnal's router's utilizing DD-WRT, (which I have had issues with in the past). Sure, disabling one router's DHCP, and making the it a client is all fine and dandy, but two routers still is not a great idea especially when a WAP and switch can do the job more effectively, and efficiently with less time spent on configuration. Unfortunately, as I had noted and as you had Jiggly, I have this really bad feeling that ISP is blocking, which if that is so, I do hope that someone over at that particular ISP has an unfortunate incident where a movie reference of 'beans' and 'franks' occurs.
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