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Vampire_Turtle Blog
So I Saw Sweeney Todd...
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
Now before I start to talk about Sweeney Todd, I should tell you I am a great fan of Tim Burton's works. The first time I saw one of his films was when I was about 6, you may recognise it "The Nightmare Before Christmas." Ever since I've seen the film, I have put it into my DVD player every christmas eve because I adore the film so much.
Sweeney Todd is the tale of a barber, who's life is stricken away from him by a judge (Alan Rickmna). He was banished from the land and now has returned 15 years later, now he calls himself Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp). He then meets a pie shop owner, Mrs Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter) and starts a barber shop. He then plans to seek revenge on the judge, by slitting his throat in his own barber shop. His rage leads him to killing many more of the towns people of London, which are then stored into Mrs. Lovett's meat pies.
Now, I'm not normally a fan of musicals, I hate all the happy feel and dancing that just seems to spur from any situation. But I gave this film a chance because Tim Burton was directing it. And I was pleasently suprised, I actually enjoyed the film. There is some humour in the songs and lines that made me chuckle a little, and the music for once is not done my Danny Elfman which I think was a good move for Burton. Stephen Sonheim does a great job of executing the music to fit with the actors vocals.
The acting was solid, Johnny Depp played Sweeney Todd very well, he brought a very dark setting to the film with his facial expression and his physical acting. I've enjoyed Johnny Depp's acting for a while and when he is combined with Tim Burton he seems to do even better than he would usually. Helen Bonham Carter, delivers a very strong female role in this film also. I also credit her as a good actor, as she seems to take up roles that maybe other women actors would shy away from. Other characters such as the Judge played by Alan Rickman add more effect of darkness thanks to great acting.
Now, before you even consider watching this film. You must know it is VERY VERY GORY, and probably not for the kiddies. I may be 13 but I was still suprised with how much gore there was in this film. But Tim Burton executes this so well, into some form of artwork that is seems that the gore and killing, is some form of artwork of it's own.
Overall Sweeney Todd is a great film, if you haven't enjoyed musicals in the past due to the happy dancing etc. Then you should see Sweeney Todd in case you may enjoy it. But, if you haven't liked musicals because vocals and lines don't work for you, then this probably won't change your mind. If your looking for a musical with a difference, then Sweeney Todd is right up your alley.
I Really Want To Like MGS4... But Can't.
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
Simply because I wasn't around for the previous 3 titles. And if I picked up MGS4 now... I would be completely clueless of what is going on.
I hope you guys enjoy the game, I'll just be looking forward to Alone in the Dark for now.
- VP
Braceface... No More!
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
Well after 3 years of metal train tracks stuck in my mouth, I'm finnaly free!
I'm now having to wear this "retainer" thing, hurts like hell :(
But I guess it'll be worth it in the end.
This is Vampire_Turtle, signing out! :)
Censorship Disgusts Me.
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
Hi Guys, Time For A Little Rant Me Thinks. :)
This week I have been pondering over the fact that most of the games we get have to be processed through the government, to be censored. Now, I had no problem with this whatsoever until the Manhunt UK release issue. I was not planning to buy the game at all, as I thought it looked out dated and not worth a look, but it got me thinking... Recently Condemned 2 : Bloodshot was released which allows players to kill their enemies in far nastier ways than Manhunt 2. And I thought to myself, "Ok, so. They won't release a Wii/PS2 game which looks outdated and is not too violent." "And yet they will release Condemned 2 to the public when it is far a more gory/creepy game."
This got me slightly annoyed, for I felt I had a right as a gamer to choose what games I play. I do not want to play a game that someone else feels is "clean" enough for release in the UK when I may think completely differently. One of the main issues that surrounds violent video games is crime. People seem to give the presumption that since people have played GTA etc. They will be more likely to commit crimes... What?! I play Gears of War and you don't see me running around the streets with a chainsaw in hand trying to chop people up!
This is one of the reasons I feel slightly angry at the fact that the BBFC tells me what I can and cannot play. I am 13/14 years old and I play: BioShock ( 18 ), Gears of War ( 18 ), TimeShift ( 18 ), F.E.A.R. ( 18 ) and DEAD RISING ( 18 ). I have not been influenced by the games in no shape or form, only basking in how awesome they all are. :) My parents do not mind if I play these games as there is a good purpose for me fufilling the tasks and not just mindless killing.
DEAD RISING - You must kill Zombies in order to survive your neck being chewed on. (By the way BBFC zombies don't exist)
F.E.A.R. - You are a top government paranormal agent and are fighting the paranormal as well as clones to surivive and uncover your past.
TimeShift - You are a famous scientist who has been developing a time travel suit, you travel back in time to an alternate future and must find your work partner and kill him. To try and reverse this alt history he has created.
Gears of War - Aliens called Locusts are rising from the ground and have killed most of the people on the planet. Now fighting with the force of the C.O.G.s behind you, you must try to put an end to the locust horde. (By the way BBFC Locusts don't exist)
BioShock - You are trapped in an undersea city and must find your way back home, fighting big-ass divers and mutant humans along the way. (Big Daddies Do Not Exist)
All these games all cannot occur at the young age we are at now, I cannot go out right now and buy a 9mm Pistol and run aronud shooting people in the knee caps! And besides people should know that it is only a game! It's not something they should pull off in real life or it will happen anytime soon. IT'S FICTION!
Now with violence out of the way, I will get around to bad language.
Bad language is so common nowadays, that even 6-7 year olds can be caught saying "F***" or "D***". Since society has leaked these words out in a number of forms such as: Music, Games and even the people who are around us say them. And too be honest I do not see why people are so touchy about them... If someone walks up to me and says "Who are you looking at you D***head" I'm not offended at all. They're just words, they're not knives, guns... they're words. Stick and stones my friends, Sticks and Stones.
Just because we may use bad language does it mean we should makea huge fuss over it? Bad language is just a form of expressing ourselves in a way that we are strongly offended by. And now we come back to my point once more... WHY ARE PEOPLE OFFENDED BY THIS?! They're just damn words! If you believe them too be true and suck yourself in of course you are going to be offended, so choose not too!
I think I have a right as a gamer and a person too choose what games I play, to have them as they were meant to be developed. Uncensored and Pure!
Exams Are Coming Up...
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
Hey Guys,
I'm Going For An Early GCSE this year, I'm gonna be spending most of this month revising for it and cut down on gaming at the same time.
Wish Me Luck Guys!
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 : The Fully Priced Expansion Pack...
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
I bought the original Rainbow Six about a month ago and got really stuck into it, it was able to drive me away from CoD4's very addictive MP in fact. The SP, which I am still attempting on Realistic, seems like it could turn out to be one of my favourite SP campaigns. After playing Rainbow 1 for a while I decided that I should get the sequel...
Rainbow 2 isn't what it could have been. It has new guns, very little new features and about 5 new maps and 2 new games modes... SOUNDS AN AWFUL LOT LIKE AN EXPANSION PACK! I don't regret my purchase of R2 as me and my friends get some cool games out of it. I just wish Ubisoft had done MORE, with Rainbow. This isn't a true sequel at all, and a bad example of a sequel also. Sure the graphics are slightly better, BIG WHOOP! They still even have that texture loading problem, that has been bugging the game for ages!
Now I move onto a little problem, which I don't consider OMFG JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, but it's still annoying. If you owned Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and you went online with it, you cannot gain an achievement for reaching the first rank on R2. Now, achievements are one of the easiet things to program in Xbox360 games it's just a matter of telling it to activate it when an action is complete. In my opinion this is kind of lazy developing...
To sum everything up Rainbow Six Vegas 3 will actually be Rainbow Six 2 as the Rainbow Six 2 which we've gotten is a fully priced expansion...
Mass Effect Review
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
"A Fantastic RPG, with a long life-span which you will go to play again and again. But it has some hitches..."
Difficulty : Hard
Time Spent : 100 + Hours
"Worth Playing"
Mass Effect is the highly anticipated Xbox 360 RPG by developer BioWare, most famously known for their work on the D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) games, such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights.
You start off at the character creation screen, you can either go with the default character either male or female, or you can change the appearence of your character as you see fit. The customization is very similar to The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, as it goes into so much depth almost any character that a player creates will be unique. Even though I know this is a great feature, I found it somewhat over-whelming.
During the customization you select your characters backstory, this ranges from: Earth Civillian, Colonial Survivor or A Descendant of former Militarians. You also can select the kind of person your character is, A Cruel Tyrant, A War Hero or A Survivor. These minor backstories won't affect the game much, but will influence dialog which is spoken in the game.
The story in Mass Effect is based around a huge universe, which players must travel across to find information and complete missions in order to advance the story. Getting around from planet to planet is done without much hassle, as it's automated which means no annoying Zelda-like boat trips... It is a huge story with lots of mini backstories for you to explore as well, which means you will get many, many hours of gameplay.
The gameplay of Mass Effect is at a par, due to the fact of it's slightly broken combat.It has used the cover mechanics of Rainbow Six : Vegas' cover system, although this does spice up the combat, it just doesn't feel as intense as say Call of Duty 4's combat. However the interaction between characters and the environment is great, and this almost but not quite saves Mass Effect's gameplay.
Sound-wise Mass Effect sounds great. The sound of ship engines roaring or rifles firing, and the composition of music. All contribute to make the game feel alot more life-like.
Graphically, Mass Effect looks spectacular however it is hindered by some graphical glitches. At some points during conversations with other characters their eyes would go skewed and the shadows would fall over the face unrealisticly. However looking at the detail of the ships and environments around you is spectacular.
Overall Mass Effect is a very in-depth RPG and is one not to be missed by RPG fans. This game is definately worth the money, as it is beautiful to listen see and play. And with over 100+ hours of gameplay minimum you will be playing this game fora very long time.
Please recommend this review via the following link ^.^ - http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/masseffect/player_review.html?id=558755
Why EA Should Not Buyout Take-Two.
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
If this happens, EA will have ruined yet another game. EA bought out BioWare which I am absolutley horrified at, I remember the classics they brought such as Baldur's Gate and NWN. And recently Mass Effect, I think EA will rush the BioWare developing team and the game will turn out to be a dissapointment to all.
If EA buy out Take-Two they will ruin 3 series which I care about, The Elder Scrolls, BioShock and GTA. Now I'm not a huge fan of GTA at all, but I understand how important it is to the gaming community that this game does not suck. BioShock was and still is a great game, with a stunning atmosphere and it's own artistic way of liquid like graphics, also they wrote a good story with a plot twist to kick a mule's own buttocks! I was never into the Elder Scrolls series until the time that Oblivion came out, then it turned out to be one of my favourite series.With it's open-ended gameplay and its great story and gameplay design.
If EA buys out this company, they will ruin 3 great series almost certainly. And as we all know very well, EA like to port games to every console possible. I can see it now... "BioShock a chilling tale under the Atlantic Ocean, coming to DS, XBox 360, PS3, PS2, GBA, Wii and Gamecube!"
The reason why games turn out to be better if they are designed for a specific console, is that they can incorporate the strengths of each of them. The PS3 has powerful kick-ass hardware, with a huge disc space to match. The XBox 360 has great online play and a big online community which are very competetive. The Wii has its own unique gameplay mechanics and a somewhat childish appeal.
Face it, EA = Cancer For Video Games.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Review.
by Vampire_Turtle on Comments
Check out my new Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Review Here: The Review Link
Or Read It Below In My Blog Post!
This is one of the most under-rated games of all time...
Difficulty: Hard - Time Spent Playing: 100 + Hours - "Underappreciated"
Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines, is a truly atmospheric and memerable RPG. And yet this game remains so very under-rated.
The graphics of VTMB set the atmosphere just right, to give you that sense of dark and gritty times. This is thanks to Valve's Source Engine, which was used in Half-Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source. Also the use of lighting, is one of the games main strengths. In one mission, you must venture into a haunted mansion, and the textures and lighting used in the mansion are so well executed. If you were playing at a first-person perspective, you may be in for a truly atmospheric as well as chilling mission.
However, VTMB also suffers from graphical glitches, which damage the game alot. For instance, I was in the middle of Santa Monica and "The Asylum" dissapeared, however when I went closer it all of a sudden re-appeared. And sometimes I was able to see through walls in my third-person perspective, if I stood at a certain place.
Graphics: 8/10
Sound in the game is well used, and contributes to the atmosphere to the game as much as the graphics do. Sound is a vital part to any game, if you do not have the right music for the mood for you are trying to set, or voices do not sound unique and well directed... your game can turn into a pile of poo.
The voice acting in vampire is fantastic, you may actually feel frightened or intrigued due to the fact that these characters voice, will never dull. The music in vampire is also used very well, to set atmosphere just right. I know I'm resorting to the mansion mission to much, but oh well! The music in the mansion mission, will send a chill up your spine and will make you fire a bullet around every corner.
Sound 9/10
The story of vampire is fantastic, as if it were written by an actual vampire! The choices you make will shape how the ending to the game will turn out, I like this way of a story as this way you can gain your own personal ending. And it allows people to debate over which ending, was better or worse. Also this makes you feel like you are running a unique story, and not a story that someone else has done in the exact same way.
Story: 8/10
The combat unfortunatley is a major disadvantage of vampire, it is very clunky and firearms are actually no threat to paranormal enemies. Melee weapons are the strongest weapons you will find, but using them can be quite a pain. As GS said, "All it really comes down to is how quickly you can cllick the mouse button." However, the disciplines you can use during combat can revive combat. For instance, there is a discipline you can use to make an enemy violently sick and start to puke up blood. This made cheered me up immensley and made me want to actually continue bashing in his head with a baseball bat!
Combat: 6/10
Overall Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, is a highly enjoyable experience which you will remember for a years to come. And you may wish to play it through again, for pure enjoyment. However the combat may turn you away, and also the character customization is... well there isn't. But the story and atmosphere of the game will keep you sucked in for hours and hours.
Overall Score: 8.5
True Score: 8.7
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