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Vampiress7574 Blog

Mid Life Crisis?

Okay; I got my ears pierced (again) meaning I now have 3 pairs of earrings; plus I dyed my hair with a blonde streak. Now if only my fiance would agree to the idea of me getting a new tattoo, I'd be ecstatic. :P Haven't updated my Facebook profile/page yet since I'm still in my introverted state; been reviewing my boys like crazy since it's their finals this week. I'm a bit pissed off since I can't game much due to my PS3 "blinking" after an hour or so of gameplay and I don't want to touch my Wii for now even if I'm already in the middle of Skyward Sword. Also been watching dark/horror anime just to fight off insomnia... (nothing like a good scare to make you sleepy right?) :lol:

In a couple of months, I'll be turning.. hmmm better not mention that here in the open.:roll: I'm planning to finally learn how to drive (shocking eh?) and I really, really, really want to officially learn how to play the piano as well as take up ballroom dancing. Weird though that I feel so old yet still feel so young.. or to be more accurate, more obstinate to resist ageing :lol:

I've been doing more walking since I want to lose a little more weight and gain more stamina; need to strengthen my body just in case of a zombie infestation right? :P And yes; as you may have noticed, I'm just rambling right now :lol: :lol: :lol: Darn mid life crisis...

Sorin Markov (Dark Ascension)

It was that time of the month again; and no, I'm not talking about that time which only applies to women. :P It was our weekend-long MtG EDH gathering. And since the newest expansion came out (Dark Ascension), we all agreed to buy a booster box to minimize our expenses. (Although we ended up buying 2 boxes since there were other boxes available lol) :twisted:

Of course, to those of you type II players or EDH deck users, we all know the prize card/s in the newest expansion. We all were so excited to open up and divide the boosters; hoping.. wishing.. praying to get lucky. The first box was filled with mythic rares which was still good since the four of us had very different decks. As expected, I sport a black/red deck (Olivia Voldaren) while my fiance uses Uril the Miststalker as his General; my two other trusted friends/bros own a Sliver deck and a Dragon deck. I was contemplating then to make a new EDH deck using green/white/black or red/white/black; unsure still of whom to choose as a general. As the boosters of the first box were all opened, we were losing some of our hope in finding "The One" in Dark Ascension; but we were all still quite happy that it wasn't a box of crop rares. :P

Since the first box showed promise even though it didn't contain what we were all looking for, we opened up and divided the next box. As the boosters started opening from all sides, we were even joking that it seemed to be a replica of the first since it contained several identical rares. I even cried out teasingly, "Sorin.. please.. show up!" :lol:

Lo and behold; the very next booster I opened.. I saw him... :o :o :o and I was screaming my head off! My fiance and my friends were all thinking I was bluffing at first; but when they saw I couldn't tone down my volume, they were scrambling to see the card. Of course, after that, they joked about "okay.. no more excitement in opening up the rest of the boosters since Sorin's already taken." :lol: :lol: :lol:

After all our cards were sorted out and we were done with trading with each other, we all agreed to buy another box (just in case) before the end of the month. We might get lucky again anyway lol. Sure; MtG can be an expensive hobby sometimes... but the thrill of opening up a booster and getting that lucky.. it's like winning the lottery. :D

So my fellow console gamers, forgive me for not being online for quite a while now. I even put down Skyrim and haven't even touched AC Revelations because of MtG. What can I say? There is that thrill when you're a girl gamer and you can see your male opponent's face when you have got him cornered with his life suddenly reduced to 10 due to Sorin's arrival in the field while Wound Reflection is already in play and you're clutching a Beacon of Destruction in your hand with so much mana to spare.. :twisted:

*taps table* "Done."


MtG EDH weekend

For those of you who already know what I am about to blog about with just reading the title, kudos to you! In the years I've been playing, I know for a fact that almost all MtG players have a higher level of thinking than most people. ;)

Finally got to spend an entire weekend with my 2 trusted "rajas" here in the Philippines after so many years of being apart. After coming home from Singapore and having to wait for my other friend to come back here after working hard in Saudi, we managed to find a schedule to create our highlander decks. And when we started playing all together, we didn't even notice the time pass by so fast! The sun was alreading starting to rise by the time we finished a couple of rounds. (Around 6am to be precise) It wasn't such a bother since we already agreed they'd stay the night here at our place; it's been our ritual since we all started our monthly MtG get together for more than 5 years now.) What made it such a blast that only after a couple of hours sleep, immediately after having a light breakfast, we were at it again; jabbering jokes and challenging each other with our generals. It was as if we were playing Magic the Gathering for the very first time again. :D

So for all of those fellow MtG players out there, remember to not let anybody tell you that MtG is a dying hobby. It's still one of the best card trading games; that's why it has survived for so long. Although a lot of the rules keep getting vamped up, you can still fall in love all over again with rolling that 20 sided die and knocking on the table while relishing the fact that by the next turn, your opponent's life will be reduced to zero. "Done!" :twisted:

EDH weekend

My Thoughts On Skyrim

With all the comments about bugs and glitches left and right here on Gamespot (and other gaming sites); I figured it was time for me to share my thoughts about the game. So far, I've played the game for days (and nights) :P now and I haven't experienced such a major bug/glitch that made me want to swap discs or throw my controller against the wall. Sure; there's an occassional thing that makes you shake your head when you notice it, but what game does NOT have any bugs? :roll:

Overall, Skyrim is quite a leap compared to Oblivion. With the added skills you can master to the details of how your character is shown executing a critical strike in slow motion :twisted:, I am pretty sure most of my fellow RPG lovers will pick up the game and not rant their heads off. So those people who have been hesitating to get it just because of certain comments, please remember that every gaming experience is different for each of us. Test out the waters first before you believe in what other gamers are saying about ANY game. ;)

*That being said, I am just loving being a dark elf who's progressing in the game as a battlemage. :twisted:

Dragon Nest

So I got nagged into trying this MMORPG Dragon Nest by my old guildmates so I could get back into online gaming since Guild Wars II isn't out yet. Although I admit, I disliked the limited choices of character builds (I so wanted to make either a Warrior or a Cleric but they only had male characters; opted to make a Sorceress instead) as well as the uncustomizable movement settings (never was a fan of mostly using the keyboard when issuing commands to your character), I liked the idea of entering the dungeon/map with the difficultly level you want and with whom you want to enter with. It reminded me of GW and DnD since when you enter the dungeon, you only enter the area with your party members or alone. It lessens up the whole drama of other players using the immature phrases of "spot taken" or "kill stealer." (Well that is if you're a mature, educated gamer who knows when someone is really just kill stealing or just did it by mistake :P) If you've been active in MMOs as early as I have been, you know what I mean. :twisted:

Although I admit this month I may not be play it actively since I already pre-ordered Skyrim and am planning to get AC: Revelations as well, I may just be playing Dragon Nest during my off console time. :D

White Knight Chronicles II

Okay; so far, I got to play this game only now after a few of my friends told me it's a great RPG that's like an MMO.. my rant? The license code isn't working :evil: I tried everything most people posted in forums as well as those I can find on Google; even had the game replaced. So even if I do like playing it, I feel a bit cheated. I'm not sure if has anything to do with the region I'm in or whatever but it sure dampened my drive in playing it. To the point that I actually do IMVU developing more than game now... and that is saying a LOT. I would've been more understanding if I got the game in a 'pre-loved' condition but I bought it brand new. And before I'm a gamer, I'm the kind of person who likes to get my money's worth. So just releasing that out into the great unknown and hoping that PSN will do an update that will make my mood lighten up regarding the game.

Best Divorce Letter

Dear Wife,

I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you forever. I've been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn't even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don't tell me you love me anymore; you don't want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you're cheating on me or you don't love me anymore; whatever the case, I'm gone.

Your EX-Husband

P.S. don't try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!


Dear Ex-Husband,

Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It's true; you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you've been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn't work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the first thing that came to mind was 'you look just like a girl!' Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can't say something nice, I didn't comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Hawaii; but when I got home, you were gone. Everything happens for a reason I guess.. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won't get a dime from me; so take care.Signed,

Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!

P.S. I don't know if I ever told you this, but my sister Michelle was born Michael. I hope that's not a problem..

Salvation and Sin (5)

Taking advantage of the distraction that was wreaking havoc on the small, run down cottage, Vidar tumbled in the direction of the flurried vampire, managing to snatch away his prized daggers just while she was in the middle of muttering a spell.

"Sorry miss; but I think it's time I get back what's mine. Besides, you'll be needing all the help you can get against these guys with you being poisoned and all.."


Hissing in his direction out of spite, she thrust out her marble hand; conjuring up a Black Mamba and throwing it to his face. She sneered at just how sweet it would be to see him dead after disrupting her at such a crucial moment. The knights were about to burst through her doors and she could not allow any more interruptions to happen.

Thinking fast, Vidar twirled, arching his head as he pivoted to avoid the poisonous creature. Lucky him, one of the arrows shot by the Templars outside managed to pierce the snake's head, killing it instantly in mid-air.

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