@grove12345 It seems like Nintendos wii was backwards. It seemed like the longer it was out ,the worse the games. For other consoles there games got better . Am i wrong?
@Giancarlo Varanini , This was such a well written article , i am absolutely speechless. There was so much info in this article and it was written superbly !! ......Gold buddy...just Gold.
It seems to me that most people are NOT looking at what this products potencial will be for futer applications. As i have stated before that Heat and power consumption have plaged the hardware industries. Everyone is expecting perfect flawless performance out of brand new products just created.This isent a toaster oven were talking about. This is NEW technology. It needs to be perfected. (When i say NEW , i mean technology that hase'nt been mass produced and perfected , this product has been out for some time just under the radar) In time it will be perfected and the speed performance will increase and the price will slowly lower. SSD technology is heading in a direction that can change the way Graphics cards work or Portable gaming units work. Think about medical applications for what this type of product can be used for. Massive amounts of information stored and maintaned for years , never to be corrupted or changed from time. My point is this. Those of you who are saying that this article is a waste of time have very simply put " limited vission " at best. Most of you that have understood the trials of what graphics procceser have been plaged with will understand that this may be the begining to an old fight. Give it time and you'll see what SSD technology will do for us.
Heat and energy consumption have plaged the hardware industries . This has potential for futer applications. Not just for gameing. At the moment its unreasonably priced but so were mp3 players whenthey first came out. Time will tell, but with technology history tends to repeat itself.. meaning eventualy this product if found usefull will be mass produced lowering the price for consumers. Ones it becomes cheap to buy you will see this technology in everything from graphics cards to consoles to medical equipment. This article was written to give you a look at to whats coming are way.
Vanine_28's comments