13 I believe. I've had my 360 for almost 2 years. I've sold a few games. But not too many
Vardan_902nd's forum posts
2 how in the hell is microsoft being greedy by not allowing minors play M rated games? umm u go into a store buy a M rated game same thing happens i guess the stores are greedy to huh? since u think the stores and microsoft being greedy by not allow minors download M rated then u dont deserve to download it because your mind isn't matured yet
i'm not going to tell u how to get them either because it so easy
Wow way to not be any help it all. I have the same question though. I got my 360 when I was 16 and at that point could still download M rated games. But they changed that and even after I turned 17 I couldn't download M demos. To get around that I just made an account that was over 17. But I would like to know where to go to change my main account to being over 17?
The guy who mentioned PS3 and Xbox 360 having price drops: that's what I'm talking about, if I can get Gears of War and Halo 3 for 30 and 35$ then I'd like to be able to get the old games I want on wii for less than my arm and leg. And the dude that talked about texting...that's why I have unlimted texting haha.
But if they sell that many copies then they should be able toafford a price drop. And I want the extra wiimote and nunchuk so I can play with friends because that's one of the more appealing things about the wii.
So I was considering getting a Wii soon because I want to play some of the exclusive titles it has (Zelda, Mario, Animal Crossing, etc). But I was a little shocked when I saw that games such as Zelda and Super mario Galaxy are still being sold at 50$ even though they've been out since the system's launch. I can understand keeping the prices high since they're popular games, but keeping them at launch price? that's somewhat ridiculous. Even 35$ or 40$ would make me feel a little better than 50$. Seeing that honestly dicscouraged me a little from picking up the system because a 250$ system, plus 50$ for an extra wiimote and nunchuk, and then a combined 100$ just for those two games. I could just go spend that 400$ that I'm up to now on a new 80gb PS3 that I also want. And it comes with two games.
Dude you are stupid if you pay 100$ for a ethernet cable. Go to wal-mart and buy one for 15$. Although mine came with one. And like everyone else has said, 50$ a year for the kinda service that XBL gives you is nothing. No clue why you felt the need to come on here and cry about it.
Maybe you could go to system wars and a FEW people might agree with you just because you'll have PS3 and Wii fanboys.
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