Variaz's forum posts
What is God you ask?
God is basically your Dog's evil personality, hence the inverted letters. When he's nice and obedient, he's a loyal Dog, but when he bites and becomes violent, he's one Bad God.
I don't like the fact that so many characters are added to the Sonic series. With all the Super transformations, rivalries and stuff, characters getting super powerful,this is starting to look like DBZ, but with hedgehogs and echidneas instead. I think they went a little too far...
So! To answer the original question, I'd say Sonic, because the good old classics featuring him are still very fun! :)
There's one game one must absolutely get:
Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing.
You know you want to play it. ;)
Age of Wonders is still my favorite PC turn-based strategy game to date, despite it's age!
....well, except maybe the Space Empires serie, which are great too.
Morrowind! More than Oblivion I'd say. Sometimes, in Morrowind, you would just run and fall through the floor in the eternal void, forcing you to load your game. Or get stuck on a rock or other static object...
Also, what's wrong with Big Rigs? It actually fixes Morrowind's problems! In Big Rigs, you can also visit the eternal void, but you can return on earth whenever you want, since the truck doesn't actually FALL in the void. And no risks of getting stuck on a rock, since you can clip through everything. :)
The list of games at the beginning is cool, but one game was missing from it.
Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing
A great, underrated and WINNER game that had it's image tarnished by a dreaded review from AlexN...
And last but not least:
Seriously, AlexN, if you read this.... what were you thinking?? :( Such a low score on such a wonderful masterpiece of pure WINNER?? This game is the main reason why one would want a PC in the first place!!
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