VariousObjects' forum posts
yet another great example of how hype actually brainwashes people into thinking somethings good. Also, critics are afraid to differentiate their scores too much from each-other in fear of getting panned. Bioshock is not a phenomenal game, or funominal as someone said earlier. It's not even a great game, it's a decent game that the world will forget.Mariofreak1216
And what would you say is a great game? Judging from your avatar would you say Blue Dragon? If that's so then you've lost all credibility with me.
I completely disagree. The graphics may not be photo-realistic, but they are beautiful and stylish with the art deco look. The A.I is way above average along with voice acting which completely sells the very well told story which is lacking in todays games. All the plasmids and weapons that can be used together to perform various tasks made the gameplay way above other fps games where all you did was travel from point A to B shooting enemies with the basic arsenal of weapons which quickly gets repetitive.
I honestly can't find anything that was lacking in Bioshock. The only thing I could say was the difficulty and how you spawn at the nearest vita-chmaber. This made it kind of easy.
When you compare this game with other games that came out this year I wouldn't say it's hyped. I think it's exactly where it deserves to be.
Then again the word "Jew" isnt racist because it's not a race, it's a religion, still bad to say thoughI_pWnzz_YoUI'm pretty sure jews are a race of people. If your born a jew your stuck a jew, unlike religion you can convert.
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