@Securator Because you control two characters at the same time and there's not enough control on a handheld to do that. The game is also focused on Co-Op.
@BrunoBRS @Veenox Oh yeah that's why Ubisoft themself, before even anyone ever hear of the game, employed grown up man like me to play test that game and write a review about our experience!! But of course they totally intended that game for kids!!
@yeah_28 @Veenox As a gamer I want to know what's wrong with a game too! In a critic you have to state what's the problem, to compare the good and the bad (that's why they are the the bottom isnt?). If the reviewer can't tell me what's the negative part of a game, I'll take it as the game is flawless because they can't state any problems with it. The minus 2 is only an appreciation view.
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