@david1230 @Vegeta-sama or grow up trying to find a way to steal peoples bodies >_> there are creepy people like that in real life... that's what is scary
@david1230 @Vegeta-sama @Tamim My guess is that the system has the ability to start the install, but I can't imagine it can hold everything... maybe has to connect to internet to do full install to play games after new HDD? We'll find out more at gamescon and tokyo game show
@david1230 @Vegeta-sama we are going to know pretty fast after release how much info goes out that's associated with the Kinect... there of course is the ability to opt into sending info from the kinect
@david1230 @Vegeta-sama <_< I'm almost 33 and I watched it religiously... was I 11 or 12 when it came out... it was awesome... they touched on all kinds of touchy topics
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