@gamingdevil800: I think Microsoft gave them 78 million dollars for that game... that's off the top of my head so the number may be wrong, but come on man... the group working on that isn't working at Platinum anymore if I'm not mistaken
@Xristophoros: Age of Empires/Mythology, Banjo-Kazooie, Battle Tech, Battletoads, Black and White, Deadlight, Fable, Ilomilo, Kameo, Killer Instinct, Kung Fu Chaos, Lost Odyssey, Mech Assault, Mech Commander, Mech Warrior, Microsoft Flight, Ninety-Nine Nights, Perfect Dark, PGR, R.C. Pro-Am, Rise of Legends/Nations, Shadowrun, 'Splosion Man, Sudeki, Viva Pinata, Wizards and Warriors, and more and that's leaving out the bigger names and some stuff that is kine of wierd like N.U.D.E. or games that would be cool but will never happen like True Fantasy Live Online.
@gamingdevil800: everything points to that being on Platinum and not Microsoft... I heard that the last time they visited the code was in a worse state than any other time they had been there... it's a rumor, but most of the rumors were pointing to Platinum using the tens of millions MS gave them on other projects and not on Scalebound *shrugs*
@lonewolf1044: a story about resistance forces in Poland or Greece would be great from a female perspective... if they want to do that then I see no point in just throwing one in when there are so many stories of females in WWII... important figures like Spies and Snipers...
@Baconstrip78: as long as the female is historically accurate if not exactly to history I think most will be fine with it... the problem many have is females storming the beaches of Normandy ect.
This is a pretty weak list Gamespot... I know the long weekend was coming up but spend more than 20 minutes writing up predictions... I could have woken from a drunken stupor and given better predictions than this. Gears of War XCom game, Fable 4, Splinter Cell, Conker... hell something that isn't obvious, but within reason... as for a JRPG that should get a sequel... I love Blue Dragon, but everyone knows that it would be Lost Odyssey. There Mech Assault and Mech Warrior and don't forget they own the game rights to Shadow Run I wouldn't mind an RPG with a big budget from that IP. There is the announcement of the new studio... possible purchases made. I mean come on live a little.
@Xristophoros: You act as if it was Microsoft's fault when all rumors and insider info points to it being Platinum as the reason the game was canceled.
Vegeta-sama's comments