@slightlyrob you can't think outside of your little box... if you don't get it then you don't... your vision is narrow
@Dahorsh @monster637 that wont happen... you need some form of protection for content providers... though they could offer a "add-on" for no disc for a price... that's how I would do it
@offspring94 @Hubadubalubahu the horse addon was because they didn't understand digital worth... it's something that's still an ongoing process
@RAHBRT @monster637 there will be no Steam or Steam-like marketplace because there will be no day one releases outside of digital only releases
@brylynt @DavidMaluf then he needs to go to some alternative world because that's been the direction for years and years... if you don't like it then tough.
@monster637 @Owner34 the day 1 problem is with retailers who have threatened to stop selling games... that is all
@DavidMaluf your 360 is a Media Center Extender something you can uses very well if you use MC on your Windows computer
@BacchusDionysus @ivan_osorio @DarthLod the iOS only release limited people... there is no reason this didn't get dropped on every major mobile platform
@GenOptimus those servers don't pay for themselves... Sony charges content provider MS charges you... one way or the other you pay for it in some way or fashion
Vegeta-sama's comments