Everyone I ask (in real life) says (about 12 people, some family, some from my school) "Wow. You actually liked Fallout 3 more than Fallout New Vegas?" or "Fallout New Vegas is way better" or some variances of that.
But, I just could not get into Fallout New Vegas. I should, and really try to...but it just doesn't hook me like Fallout 3 did/does. FO:NV has crafting, and I love it...making my own bullets, food...the setting is nice, especially since there are places I can say "wow, I know this place! I've been here!"...but there is just something about it I don't like at all.
On the other side...Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game, maybe that has something to do with it. But I later played Fallout 2 and loved that as well...so FO 3 being first shouldn't have anything to do with me liking it more. I loved FO3 setting a lot more than Vegas...but that isn't really it either. The atmosphere to me was way better, but that again isn't it. I played FO3 for literally a year, I was REALLY into it...still do bursts of playtime on it. I racked up hundreds and hundreds of hours in FO3, but I didn't use Xfire at the time until near the end. Where as FO:NV I played a week, and said "meh". I really loved the vault scene in FO3...but that is kind of minor, since it is more of a tutorial thing. Maybe it is a lot of reasons all added up...
Am I the odd one out, and one of the few that actually liked Fallout 3 more? Any of you liked it more than Fallout New Vegas? My friends think I'm weird for liking FO3 more...not like I care what others think, but just curious if any others feel the same as me?
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