So the past week I went to Yosemite on a camping trip and came back yesterday. Had the best week ever. It was a 96 or 97 year record of the highest water level (not including floods, which I guess are considered different) the main attractions were the rivers and waterfalls. But I recorded other stuff. But I had so much fun camping, it was best thing I've ever done :D
To start with, since I wanted something on Youtube if you want to do good on there, its best to upload at least one video a week, or two weeks at most. Too tired to do anything major though. But over the next week or two, I'll get some footage of Yosemite up, as those are the videos that actually show what its like. Probably do slideshows too.
So on to the videos...
The first video, and my favorite out of the ones I've uploaded out of them all, so a close up of a squirrel who was digging up food it had buried. The camera does move a bit, but I left some of that in because I thought it looked a bit better, gave it a more "natural" look to it I guess is the word to use.
These next two videos aren't meant to be exciting or anything. But more of a relaxation video. They are of a campfire we had on the last day of the trip, so you can watch/listen to the flames and listen to the birds in the background. I know at least for me, watching a campfire is pretty relaxing. Both videos are the same, but one I just looped back to play again from the beginning, so its twice as long. I made both, because one of my teachers suggested the shorter video is good for someone who doesn't have a lot of time, and the other can be used for someone with more time and want to relax more.
Short campfire version-
Long campfire version-
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