Vermin14's forum posts
No problem i love this union:D and thanks for thanking me chang if that makes sence :D
Thanks chang for giving me the go ahead on creating topics an where to get information on my sig:D
Whats heaven like?There's a shortage of chairs
I like the ps one just because its a classic in my opinion but the did a real great job porting it on the 360.
Cursing is a sign of ignorance unless you know how two
I prefer whips like Richter's its bada$$
O alright an i agree about Trevor man its been so long since I 've played those games
Yes an no let me explain i know that sounds stupid these quotes under my post are from tv shows movie an other things the reason i do it is because some of my friends like to pose as me an start posting on embarrassing games like barbie or sumthin but i get them back ten times worse but they don't know my quotes an were i post they literly set up another profile like mine an started posting on random stuff but this is the real vermin here are some of my sigs so you'll know its me.I'm thinking about makeing one permanet tell me what you think the funniest one is an ill use it as my own sig
whats heaven like there's a shortage of chairs
I'm not an acholic i just hate my wife an kids
I'm not drunk im just tried from drinking all night
curesing is a sign of ignorance unless you know how to
Thanks for commenting on my topic both good answers
Whats heaven like?Theres a shortage of chairs
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