Why does every game once it gets into the max potencial and u expect something even bigger will come they go wrong way, console exclusive and TES online seems pretty wrong to me... enjoy this DLC`s while u can even if they come a bit late on PC ps3 cause im getting the feeling that those will be the last ones we will get, once that online crap gets launched they will see money coming from it and they will forgot TES6.
@SuperDutchy Boy i think u should stop being a fanatic of 1 game and enjoy rest of similar games to whatever games u like, this way u will enjoy more games trust me.
Lol i just watched the trailer... ugh this looks exacly like blades of times or whatever it was the name of the game released few weeks ago, high jumping/flying super speedy characters, the only difference is that this one has some metal craps on its body while the girl from blades was wearing some sexy clothes ... btw am i the only one that gets the feel that all the japanese hack&slash games feels very same in gameplay?
Well what they need to do is, make consoles upgradable so they can drain more money from players... and then we play 10$ for just 1 more pixel... another 10$ for 1 sec faster load, blla blla... Im suprised how they didnt announce something like that yet lol... hope they dont read this and get the idea... but soon they will do that...
@Ar13ls I know coding isnt easy but 2 years is damn lot of time to polish the game (considering some games get released every 7-8 months)... anyway hope we dont find more of the same.
Any other company that made people happy like this when they announce something new? i dont thik so...
Gamers should take a picture of this article allong with the comments down there and show to other greedy companies how they need to do their job... to make gamers yell like this from happiness... its not an easy job.
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