@A_Rabid_Dog @Riddick123 @Stevo_the_gamer I'm pretty sure you've just been called out as a Sony fanboy without exactly saying it.
@A_Rabid_Dog @VexxRed @krystyla Its against the Gamespots TOS to answer a question with a question. You should know this.
@callsignalpha @VexxRed I dont have an xbox1 yet. i do have the ps4 and so far i'm really enjoying it. But i cant say which is better.
@brickstation4 Have you played it? To be fair its just an opinion. And i'm sure there will be people that enjoy knack as well as ryse.
@foxrock66 I picked up a ps4 along with Killzone. And while Killzone is a great game i wish i would have waited. I'm still playing my 360 more as of right now.
VexxRed's comments