You see I would have no problem buying all my games online BUT when I go online and see the game I want THEN I see that gamestop has it for $10 cheaper where do you think Im going? ...Gamestop! that as always been whats stopped me from buying all games online. another example: when I wanted to get borderlands 1 it was $30 online but Gamestop had the game of the year edition for the same price... it doesnt take a genius to figure out where I purchased from.
@KingOfAsia As I agree with your statement it is unclear who actually did sell the most, it is still up in the air... BUT yes when it comes to solid game play and story telling and overall experience, to me the xbox has always had that (OPINION) and I have felt like a second had gamer on play station even though most Playstation systems did have better specs than xbox that never really mattered. Play the games you love no matter what console they are on.
VicariousWolf88's comments