You obviously didn't read my blog about the consequences of having purple hair Sirra. :lol: I will *never* do that to my hair again.
VideoGamerNerd's forum posts
About halfway through my second round of Mass Effect 3. I absolutely love the humor in this game. :P
Wow, you're way ahead of me, VGN :lol: I just saved Eve from the Salarians, had a nice long talk with Miranda on the Citadel, and am on my way to rescue some kids from that institute that was in the Mass Effect books.Aidan129I had actually went to the midnight release, but by the time I got home I was too exhausted to play. So I've made up that lost time in the past 2 days. :lol: I just can't put the controller down, not until I at least finish it once. Grissom Academy was awesome! I absolutely loved that they put locations, and some characters from the books in the game. It's just way too cool. By the way, a friend of mine is getting the game next week and we plan on playing together. You are most welcome to join us! :D
I seriously doubt those scores are legit. They're probably from more trolls like you.
Just launched the final mission in ME3. The game has been fantastic so far! The environments are quite beautiful, the Quarian homeworld and the Ardak Yakshi (if thats how you spell it xD) Monastery would definitely have to be my favorite locations in the game by far. I've been playing all day though, so I saved and took a break right after Kaidan's late night visit to Shepard's cabin. ^_^
I suppose so. It's just a shame when people don't recognize a good game when they see it. :roll: I'm not sure what to think of Javik. He's different, thats for sure. :P Kind freaks me out.Don't worry, VGN. Cory just has his head up his hind-quarters. *WE* can sit back and enjoy this excellent game and recognize that it's a masterpiece.
I just recruited Javik. He's certainly long-winded, but I like him. He could definitely have a spot in my party, depending on how long Ashley is away.
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