[QUOTE="Aidan129"][QUOTE="VideoGamerNerd"] AFTER the Library?! THAT level was insane on Legendary, especially if your trying to get the achievement for not dying.DrAwesomeMD
The Library was bad, but not as bad as I was expecting, thanks to those kind blue arrows on the floor. Though I have to wonder... What is the purpose of that library? It is a HUGE structure, like most libraries, except it doesn't have any books, and it only has 1 room. The rest of it is nothing but corridors that meander aimlessley. Why would ANYBODY build something like that? :x That stage should have been like, Chief walking up to the circulation desk, asking to check out that archive, and then leaving. Maybe fighting some Flood on the way out :roll:
Two Betrayals, on the other hand, was horrid. HORRID. Especially since it was almost completely recycled from an earlier stage! :x And yes, Cory-chan snapped at me! :cry:
:cry: I'm sorry! At least thanks to me you got an achievement.
I don't remember Two Betrayals, so it must not have bothered me that much. :P
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