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Vidoegameatic Blog

Mass Effect 2 for the PS3..... The end is near.

Recently, ( and by that I mean two months ago,) the guys behind Mass Effect 2 just announced that it will be ported to the PS3. I personally think that's awesome and all but seriously? Sooner or later they are gonna be porting Halo: Reach to the PS3! Is that what game developers have come to? Exclusive games being ported over to other next-gen consoles? Is UNCHARTED 3 gonna be a multi-console development? No, let the PS3 keep a smudge of dignity. I can't say its really bad that developers are giving good games to good consoles. I find it real and heterosexual ( chill out gamespot that means straight) I might purchase Mass Effect 2 just because it will have trophy support. I already have it for the 360 but I want to see if it ports over correctly to the PS3. Hopefully it won't be like the Assassins Creed 2 PC port. That had all the add-ons. I didn't find that fair and I wouldn't find it fair if 360 gamers would still have to purchase those add-ons. LittleBigPlanet 2 has also been delayed because ' It wasn't good enough' What the hell. From what we've seen in trailers, it looked good when they were still testing it! I bet you that in two or so months the game will come out and nothing will have changed. They probably only did this to see what their beta testers were doing. This only gives beta testers ( like moi) more time to test out the features of this new and improved sequel. Honestly, there is nothing to rant about on this game considering I'm not a deranged seven year old. I still look forward to this title but I am honestly disappointed that it had to be delayed and slated to an early 2011 date. I know this is a little late but lets talk about the 2010 E3. Sony did a decent job at introducing their new titles and their new racist PSP ad campaign. The best part of the show was the Twisted Metal reboot announcement. The developers, Eat, Sleep, Play have announced that they are looking for the T rating for this game. That they won't be focusing on grisly violence like in Twisted Metal Black. Yeah, right. With the screen shots I've seen so far, this game owns the M rating already. If the masks didn't have M written all over them, THEN it might be T. Most people were anticipating more news on the new R* title Agent. Or Uncharted 3, or The Last Guardian. Honestly I was only anticipating Agent and Uncharted 3. That's not to say I don't like The Last Guardian. Shadow of the Colossus is my favorite PS2 game of all time. I just expected MORE from Sony, y'know? Most of the stuff they announced were exclusive PS3 deals and PSN+ Announcements like, " Dead Space 2 will have special PS3 exclusive content and Dead Space Extraction!" Exclusive PS3 content that will be on XBL two months after the release of the game. And with medal of honor they include Airborne. Which is a pretty good deal! But is still not making me buy Medal of Honor.

Vidoegameatic signing off!

Post comments or send me PM's saying what you want to see!

Thank you to Buddyyoyo for providing some information on this blog post.

No more MW2 Rip offs!

Just no! Why the hell do developers keep doing this! Especially when its not even a GOOD rip-off! It started with Bad Company 2 earlier this year, but that game was solid. Now EA gives us this. I mean, EA is a great company ( I still have a mild grudge against it for shutting down Pandemic, though.) Medal of Honor depicts real world violence. Specifically the war in Afghan. I find that disgusting. We're sitting at home playing this videogame mindlessly and easily killing terrorists with a click of our finger while real soldiers are dying and making life and death decisions in the REAL world war. I played this game in front of my friend who served in Iraq for two years and asked me to stop. He said the online gameplay was horrible because it was too realistic. That is coming from a VET. He saw his friends die right in front of him at the front lines. The game isn't bad, but it isn't good either. I think gamers aren't yet ready for this bold step in modern first person shooters. But it might be a much needed step, to help gamers realize that there are no respawn points in real life. Post comments on what you think about this game. Is it too modern for gamers, or is it good for gamers to see the real world side of war.

Return from the dead, Vidoe becomes an active blogger

Hey guys! It's been six months since my last post about the PS2. I'm gonna start making daily blogs reviewing videogames and discussing videogame news! I'll be posting pictures and what not considering that I've been one of the most inactive members on Gamespot. Last time I was on was to watch the Sony and Nintendo E3 Press conferences. If you guys have any questions or want to recommend me any games ( Since I have a job now and all) I have money :P. Thanks guys!

The End of A Golden Age

My friends, it looks like the best era of gaming is coming to a close. The PS2. With it's share of great titles, this console holds some of the best videogame titles on it. But it also holds part of my childhood, and maybe some of yours too. Comment on this if you can, talking about some of the classics you think are the best games on the PS2, and if you want, make a vow to remember the PS2 and play it's greatest games before the curtains close. Here are some titles I recommend

* Final Fantasy X & XII

* Bully

* Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

* Splinter Cell

* The Sly Cooper Series

* Star Wars Battlefront II

Now it's your turn. Make the commitment to try and play these games, ( and post games YOU like for the PS2 in the comments) take the PS2 pledge I made. I, ( Enter name here) swear to play the Playstation 2, until it's death. I also pledge to play the greatest games on this platform, the platform known to many as the best gaming console of it's time. Please keep the PS2 spirit alive. It may die soon, but that doesn't mean it's spirit should fade away.



I need ur help!!!

Guys, I need anyone of you to provide me with a Microsoft Word 2007 Product Key that hasn't been used 10 times plz!!! I need it to type up my relocation letter!

A tribute to Zosvaldis5 Mai Bes friend

OK, not many people know the origins of me and his friendship, but it was awesome.

First he wrote, because ME was still a noobie, and posted on teh transformers the game form, he replied saying,

" Hey, do you still need help on that Optimus Prime boss?" I replied,

" Dude, I beat that 5 weeks ago." Then he said,

" Oh ok :D" Then I said.

" But hey, thanks for helping, wanna be friends?" Then he said yes. THE END. And we has been friends ever since.

I lol at you! You just lost all of your mutual respect!

Guess whos back! No not that slut from high school. IM BACK! And im feeling pretty cool about it! I want you gus to comment a bit. Cuz, I need to feel welcomed back a bit. So comment on this please. Heres a list of stuff.

1. Take care of Jordan Jr.

2. Get to level 76 on MW2


4. Make a list of stuff.

5. Get a sandwich.

:). So now, I guess I will go bathe in self pity! **** MUTUAL RESPECT LOSS ALERT*** Oh great. Well I will see yu later.

Everywhere we go.(Stories of a videogame addict, Story 1:Jordan finds out truth

"WHAT THE**** ARE YOU DOING!GIMME BACK MY ****ING MODERN WARFARE YOU **** screamed as his sister took his favorite videogame away from him.And he might of sworn alot,ok hell with the swearing."Don't worry big bro you'll get it back,I just want to talk to you about something."Jessica said with the devil's face (this is a god damn true story.)"Ok finish this now so i can get back to my online match,or I will destroy that prissy stuff you buy your daughters for no good damn reason."Jordan said in his "Drunk"voice (yes,i have a drunk voice)"Listen,Jordan,you've been playing videogames too much lately-"Jordan stopped her."For the love of god Jessica,i joined Gamespot,I joined IGN,I JOINED GAMESPY,I ****ING JOINED GAMEFAQ'S FOR GODS SAKE!"Jordan said."Well,Jordan,I will give you you're videogame back now."She said."Screw what you just said just give me my videogames."Jordan took his games

Next time A Hilariously violent storycalled "Im the god of videogame Wars!"

OMG no way FTW

Hey guys im back on gamespot for a while.For one,im starting to get a feeling late 2009/early 2010 is gonna have great game releases.The 1 AND ONLY 1 GAME RELEASE IM WAITING FOR IS MODERN WARFARE 2.OMG THE GAME IS GONNA BE SO AWESOME.But hey,you know me,one game comes to another and bounces right back at me.I just started playing assassins creed.So far its really cool,but from the other reviews i've read it must be boring and repetetive after you beat it.Guys please talk to me,im starting to get lonely,graduated from college and i am working at seaworld im pretty bored right now.