Goblet Of Fire
by ViktorCharmed on Comments
So, I watched it last night, and I'm a bit split on my opinions. I half hated it a nd half loved it. I hated the way they brutally slaughtered the plot and greatly mistreated some key characters, for example Barty Croch, jr and sr, Dumbledore, Voldemort and Moody. On the other hand, some of the characters has really blossomed and become so great that it's hard to wxplain my affection towards them, for example McGonagall, The head, trio, Fred & George and of course the always so wonderful Reeta Skeeter. All in all, the only thing I liked were the great humour of it. And that's worth something, since this is the funniest yet. Maybe my opinions will change when I've seen it a couple of more times.
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