I'm stumped on this one. I removed it from your tracking list directly from the databases but it's still showing up. I'll try my best to get it removed.
Please contact me directly at vincentl AT gamespot.com. I had to instate some stricter code that handles profile pages to eliminate security holes, but the problem is that there are usernames that were imported pre-2003 into a registration system that has more restrictions on characters in usernames, so the space is causing the problem. We'll probably have to work out a username change if that's OK with you.
There is no separate blog page, since your profile is essentially your list of blog entries. So your main blog page would be http://www.gamespot.com/users/Wee87/, and your link to post blog entries would be http://www.gamespot.com/pages/profile/post_blog_entry.php. Performancing probably won't work since we built our blog code from scratch, and that extension is designed mainly for more popular blogging software like WordPress. I tried plugging in a number of possible URLs and it didn't work very well. I'll keep looking into extensions that might be compatible; Performancing is no longer being maintained, as far as I can tell.
The best way is to cancel your account temporarily (http://www.gamespot.com/misc/helpcenter.html to find the cancellation link), which will basically stop the auto-renew from occurring, but will allow you to enjoy the rest of your subscription. Cancellation will not delete your account, it will only end the paid status. When you are ready to resume subscription, upgrade back your account to Plus or Total Access.
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