PS3 is gonna get and its gonna be like the other 4 games that came out its gonna be a crappy port with things missing besides Assassins Creed 1&2 what other ubisoft games made the transition to PS3 without taking a performance hit?
Vipa37's forum posts
For its part GT5 demo i was not impressed at all. As far as Lair goes i blame that all on sony and them telling them to put stupid sixxaxis controls in that game if they would have left it with the dual analog then it would have been at least an 8.0 game but because SONY did what they did wit the sixxaxis that game got the scored it deserved
TC why convince people to think Live GOLD is worth it. I dont debate this anymore if they love the free service more power to them. I just go into a thread that tells me if i spend money on Gold then i am being ripped off and go in on them. But they have PSN great i have both and use both i dont like beating a dead horse so just leave it alone. Its a debate that you cant win no matter how hard you try cause people will never give in to what you think is worth it to you.
You just reminded me that i have to get back to that game. From what i played i loved it i hope for a sequel but it probably wont happen. I want a sequel to viva pinata, kameo, and Banjo-kazooie regardless of what system wars says that game is great
YAY!!!!! Now why is this important DID YOU BUY THE GAME?
I love my xbox 360 and all so i am gonna say what everyone else was saying. You are crazy for giving him more for less. The games you have are newer than his and the person your trading with the only has games that came out in 07/08 and not even the great ones to top it off with the exception of GTA 4 and Assassins creed 2 i would walk away from that trade right now. No questions asked:twisted:
Thats great TC you have 1 of the games you claim is great meanwhile you MIGHT buy heavy rain why not get both heavy rain and God of War 3? I will freely admit i have not played the retail but after trying the beta i will not waste $60 on a game I feel is worth $40 max.
Why are you people still fighting over if its an exclusive or not just buy the game so they can make another one next year. Does the exclusive count really mean that much to y'all?
I will do what i did last time and get it on both systems. But as far as glitching between the 2 versions the only thing noticable about street fighter IV was the graphics which were a little sharper on 360 but nothing crazy.
Again i will ask the TC. The two games your claiming as ownage DID YOU BUY THEM?
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