[QUOTE="mattsnibbs"]LOL Mars Volta as hard rock? I love the Mars Volta but I wouldn't fit them in with this lot. Grammy's are over hyped load of clap trap anyways. This is a terrible selection I'll agree (not a metal head but know exactly where you are coming from).I agree I dont see The Mars Volta as hard rock but they still are awesome.
Well I got 2 wii games and got a free wii game (super smash,mario galaxy and ,mario party) also got Dynasty Warriors 6 for 30$ and a bunch of clothing for really cheap at Pac Sun.I had to do a 1 hour long line at Gamestop but it was worth it.
Awesome now my childhood has been ruined...I guess this is what happens when you have an actor that rarely portrays a character more than once (check the sequel to the mask)
Just to think that there might be no more Vipers (chrysler) no more Camaros,Corvettes,Pontiac,Cadillacs,Opel or Vauxhal and possibly no more Mustangs (ford) scares me.....of course more than likely foreign companies would buy those but it just woulndt be the same.
Awesome...I guess this continues the trend of old bands reuniting with new singer(Alice In Chains,Blind Melon) I miss Sublime and I hope they come back :D
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