...All this aside for a second....is GameSpot just gonna act like their brotherly company IGN isn't in an uproar of protest right now by it's employees amidst some harassment scandal claims? ....Hell i bet over here probably has it's fair share of said claims soon to come out surfacing too at some point.....
Currently playing through and finishing off Far Cry 4 right now, it's not as fun as 3 to me but it's enough to atleast keep me interested to finish it all the way through. I get the feeling 5 coming will be a return to that tropical Rook Island setting since it was teased a few weeks ago by ubisoft with a photo shot of it...probably may be set before 3 but don't wanna jump the gun just yet so i'll just await future announcements.
I've seen sex scenes on display in this game and then i saw sex scenes of WWE's Paige on display on Saturday, i wonder what are the odds of her stuff leaking and being showcased around the same time this game is coming out?
Saw it Saturday night, fucking badass flick top to bottom, pretty hyper violent and a big shift from the X-men movies we've come to know. Loved the comedic segments like when the little girl started talking suddenly surprising Logan and having him so pissed at the same time, lol, she definitely stole the show in this one. I didn't really like the ending though it's pretty understandable, i'd give it a 9/10, if you haven't seen it, i highly recommend you do.
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