@DeFiLeDTitan When you find an excellent book written by a -Japanese- historian, let me know. They are all written by biased Western scholars, with Western goggles on.
Walking through the ruins of DC, looking at the nuked rubble, one felt sorrow. This is your country you are standing on. Walking through the desert, where rednecks destroyed their own homes/trailer parks (they weren't nuked), one felt annoyance.
If you make NV2.. don't do a half-ass job like every game you have made for the last decade (stop blaming everyone else for your rush jobs). FILL THE MAP... nothing worse than a half-empty wasteland, filled with uninteresting trailer-trash.
And give us some factions we -might- be interested in helping. Post-U.S. squatters like Cali-trash and Midwest football players are uninspiring.
@LookAnDrolL No. Fallout 3 had gravitas. New Vegas itself was a joke. DC got nuked, the people of the desert trashed their own houses. Thank the gods Bethesda stepped in a set the tone.
Moreover, NV, content-wise, was empty and half-finished (like practically every Obsidian game of the last decade). FO3 was packed with content and though.
Virkhus' comments