Being bored and not being able to go to sleep for the LOSE.
Here you have it:
1. Really loud people in public.
2. Pretty much every other driver on the road.
3. My gf's friends, because they just won't stop talking.
4. Not being able to go to sleep.
5. Kids who post stupid things on the internet, who's grammar is so bad you can't understand what they're saying.
6. 70% percent of youtube users
7. When you're just about to doze off but the phone rings.
8. When Failspot has some new glitch. (I'm talking about gamespot)
9. Crying babies in the movie theater. (SHUT THAT BABY UP ALREADY!!!)
10. When people on the internet don't believe something you say for no reason. (This one guy didn't believe I was from Cleveland)
11. The 360 vs. PS3 flame war
12. Die hard fanboys/fangirls of anything
13. My allergies.
14. My Grandpa
15. Terrori- I mean Arabic people who have emo cousins. (Jking, Virtual_nathan XD)
16. Weird ring tones, like the one where it says " YO, YOUR PHONE IS RINGING"
17. The whole popularity thing on GS. Like how many comments you get on your blogs and how many emblems you have.
18. People who take sarcasm seriously.
19. People who think they're better than everyone else.
20. The fact that this list goes on, but I don't feel like typing any more of it.
EDIT: People who are total D-bags like this also annoy me:
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