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Virtual_Price Blog

I Got a Point Loss... Won't Be Online For a Couple Days...

So yeah, I recently got a point loss for "encouraging account suicide"... This guy in the "How To GameSpot" Board asked how to delete his account. And I just said, "You can't... But you can get banned"... Okay, I wasn't encouraging account suicide, I was just simply telling him that's the closest thing to getting your account deleted. :roll: But yeah, I won't be online for a couple days, for reasons that you do not need to know. >_>

Well, that's it for this poor, pathetic blog...

EDIT: Also... Join this union and be active in it... OR ELSE... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! :P


I come to visit my uncle and cousins and I get this?

Okay, so at like 6PM I left Cleveland to go to a more central part of Ohio to visit my uncle, cousins, and some other family... (The live in a rural area, and by the time I got there it was dark) Well, almost right smack-dab beside my uncles house, there was this huge car accident. Apparently, there was this old man was backing out of his driveway and his car was hit on the back of it and was sent spinning into his yard by a semi. The guy in the semi was okay, but the old man wasn't. He had injured his hips and legs badly, and was bleeding. When I got there, there were ambulances and fire fighters... I was litterally feet from it all. They decided they couldn't get him to a hospital by ambulance fast enough, so they called a life line helicopter. The helicopter was going to land in my uncles field. It took about 15 minutes to get there and it was hovering right over us. It landed about 10-20 yards away from us. It was pretty cool to watch. They carefully got the old man in the helicopter, and the paramedics must have been working on him. It finally left. (Probably to somewhere in Columbus, Ohio) So yeah, it was pretty cool. Since then, I've been in my Uncle's house unpacking my things and talking to him. His youngest sonsare also here. (ages are 10 and 12... both are boys) And then I decided to get on da internetz and type this blog on GS.

Woo-hoo for unexpected things happening. :P


Da Blog of Randomnesss and what not

Haven't had one of these in a while...

i liek meh ice

Let's see if anyone can figure out that reference above

Virtual_nathan is a terrorist

What? Who said that? IDK...

According to failspot I am a Ring King

I like cheese

Boxers are awesome

I'm talking about the dog, dumbass.

People ranting about 2012... check... Religious debates... check... misguided gaming threads... check... Normal day in OT... check... :P

The other day at McDonalds I ordered a BLT and the lady asked "Would you like lettuce, tomatos, or bacon on that?"


Why did he try to shove a remote up his butt?

America's World:

Did you know that 26% of Americans don't know they gained their independence from Great Britain?

I'm American and I've known that since I was like 6.

Well, I guess that's how Bush became president.

Sorry if I offended you.

Then again I really don't care

Well, cya!


LeBron James Left Cleveland...

...And is going with Miami Heat... Being a citizen of Cleveland I am PO'd. He let so many Cav fans and Ohioans down... I could say more but then I'd get banned... :P Well, now people will stop asking me if I've ever met LeBron when they find out I'm from Cleveland... I don't know about your reaction but here's Hitler's:

Well, Virtual_nathan, I suppose you will become a fan of LeBron now that Hitler is. :P My reaction was similar. :P Well, cya.


New Avy/I Went To Lake Erie Yesterday

So yeah, as you can see, I have a new avy... Has to be the most random avy ever. XD

But yeah, I went to late Erie yesterday. One of my friends actually has a boat, so we had some fun. :P We went water skiing and fishing. It was my first time water skiing so I fell off like 100 times. XD I had a lot of fun, though. When you wave your hand that means stop... I waved my hand and they were like "Go faster? OKAY!". And I flipped over. :P Don't worry, I got my revenge, though.

So yeah, this is yet another one of my pointless blogs...


Happy 4th of July!

For my fellow Americans, I just wanted to say Happy Fourth of July! I know I'm a day early, but I won't be able to get on GS tommorow, cuz I'm gonna go to church, spend the whole day with my family, and then watch fireworks. My Uncle (The one who is not dead) makes AMAZING ribs!XD I also bought some vanilla coke, that I still haven't tried that I'm gonna bring to the party.

For people who aren't American, don't worry you won't be left out.

And of course a 4th of july wouldn't be complete without fireworks!

Ooooooooh. Aaaaaaaaaah. :shock:

Also, I believe Canada Day was yesterday, so three cheers for America's hat! :P

20 Things That Annoy Me

Being bored and not being able to go to sleep for the LOSE.

Here you have it:

1. Really loud people in public.

2. Pretty much every other driver on the road.

3. My gf's friends, because they just won't stop talking.

4. Not being able to go to sleep.

5. Kids who post stupid things on the internet, who's grammar is so bad you can't understand what they're saying.

6. 70% percent of youtube users

7. When you're just about to doze off but the phone rings.

8. When Failspot has some new glitch. (I'm talking about gamespot)

9. Crying babies in the movie theater. (SHUT THAT BABY UP ALREADY!!!)

10. When people on the internet don't believe something you say for no reason. (This one guy didn't believe I was from Cleveland)

11. The 360 vs. PS3 flame war

12. Die hard fanboys/fangirls of anything

13. My allergies.

14. My Grandpa

15. Terrori- I mean Arabic people who have emo cousins. (Jking, Virtual_nathan XD)

16. Weird ring tones, like the one where it says " YO, YOUR PHONE IS RINGING"

17. The whole popularity thing on GS. Like how many comments you get on your blogs and how many emblems you have.

18. People who take sarcasm seriously.

19. People who think they're better than everyone else.

20. The fact that this list goes on, but I don't feel like typing any more of it.

EDIT: People who are total D-bags like this also annoy me:


Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to all you fathers out there... Although I don't believe anybody who comments on my blogs are fathers, but happy fathers day anyways! :P

I got my Dad some new shoes. What'd you get yours?

Yayyyyyyyy 2k posts and level-up in one day!

I am now a Rad Racer. 8)

2k posts... Nothin' special...

You know something that IS special?

I just got done talking to a somewhat popular guy on youtube!

I was playing spec-ops with him on mw2 and I said that he sounded like shaun0127 (His user name) And he said that was him.

So yeah, I just talked to a person who was about 19,000 subs on youtube...

Yeah it's not that special...

Now if it were to be nigahiga...

Like that will ever happen. XD

