Sorry if i sounded a little harsh in the last topic but i have eased the language...?
First off I respect all your views on life please don't think i'm trying to hurt any feelings. I just wanted to bring this information and you decide wether you agree or not...
The following may not be fact but concider this:
Christianity may be based off of pagan sun worshipping or shall I say Astrology.
12 zodiac signs the sun travels with = the 12 apostles Jesus ( the son ) travels with
Fish symbolism in Christianity = Jesus born at begining of age of Pisces (the fish)
Ancients noticed theSun moves south during winter, gets to a point where the sun stops moving south but also didn't move back north either for 3 days. They said the sun died for 3 days. When the Sun started moving north agian they said it ressurected from the dead. This "ressurection" of the sun after it "died" for 3 days happend on December 25th. They said the Sun was the salvation of the world because it was risen. The Sun is on the cross of the zodiac. = Hence Jesus died on the cross for 3 days then was ressurected.
Each zodiac constellation occupies 30 degrees of the zodiac circle = Thus Jesus was born"a little beforethe beginning" of the Age of Pisces then "begins his ministry" at age 30 (from the beginning of theAge ofAries to thebeginning of theAge of Pisces30 degrees)around when Jesus died.
The cross of the zodiac = The cross of Jesus
The SUN of God = The SON of God
Crown of Thorns = Sun rays
God is the light of the world = The Sun is the light of the world
( Revelation 1:7 ) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. = The Sun cometh with clouds everyday to bring life to the world.
The word AGE mentioned throughout the Bible = AGE is an astrological termwhich lastson averageabout 2,100 yrs
(John 14:2)In my Father's house (heavens)are many (12)mansions (houses)= 12 houses of zodiac
(Luke 22:12) And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. = The Age after Pisces is Aquarius (who's house we enter after the piscin Age)who is symbolized holding a pitcher of water.
The "End Times" the Bible speaks of = The end of the Age of pisces
If you want to know more follow the links below, but please i'm not forcing you to look its your choice:
I recommend this videoif you'd like a good video to show you how its possibleChristianity is Astrology ( The Naked Truth ) : good video can be found at the following links which are broken into parts about 8 minits each: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Also here are some good informativeweb sites I recommend:
Well you decide but it looks to me like Christianity is nothing more than Astrology personified...but its completely up to you if you want to think the same, its just my opinion...
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