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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Assassin's Creed

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (w/Guitar)

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe

Eternal Sonata


F.E.A.R. Files
A good motivation to rent games first.
F.E.A.R. Files, what can I say about it... well there's not much to say about it at all, really - I do not advise touching this one for the sake of keeping the sanctity of FPSes. It can be difficult to make shooting peop... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Enchanted Arms
"Special Makoto Love Omelet"
Enchanted arms, quite a bizzare RPG I recently picked up at the rentals - Much like overlord, it has a very solid core gameplay, but with a lack of polish and other flaws here and there, it urks you that the game could'v... Read Full Review
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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
"I was aiming for her legs"
This is a game, because of the cnet scandals and whatnot, has been given ratings far down in the 3s, but it deserves much better than that I think. I'm not saying this is an amazing game on the other hand either, but it'... Read Full Review
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Mass Effect
GoW and KOTOR have a baby. Congratulations, it's a boy.
At first glance and trying out the first 30 minutes of Mass effect, I couldn't help but be a little skeptical on if this game was to truly play out as well as it had the potential for. Well, I can save the nerds some rel... Read Full Review
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Rock Band
To the greatest(musical) game in the world, allllright.
Where do I begin... The Rock in Rock band: The music selection takes the all-musical-genre song selection they used in Guitar hero 2 and spreads it out even further than before, and also does one great thing Harmon... Read Full Review
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Assassin's Creed
Don't listen to IGN - This is Ubisoft's most ambitious title yet.
At first glance, I couldn't help but be a little bit skeptical if Assassin's creed would really happen to be a good game or not - It sounded a bit too much like it was trying to combine genres in hopes of making some sup... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Clive Barker's Jericho (Limited Edition)
Hmm... that was interesting.
Clive barker's Jericho is a combination of interesting uses of elements from Geist and Gears of War, but leaves a little to be desired... The Story: Apparently god was a little too lazy back in the day before adam and... Read Full Review
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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
A solid game and easily a great collection piece for your rockery.
Quite frankly, guitar hero III's success and hard work put in surprised me quite a bit, considering the developer, neversoft, was going into territory it had not even touched before. Yet once you've given it a try, you'l... Read Full Review
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Spider-Man: Friend or Foe
The best cutscenes matched with the worst game.
SPider man: Friend or foe, is another great example of games made for next-gen but result in extreme last-gen. The paper thin plot of SPider man FoF is that some meteor crash landed on earth with, I believe, had the same... Read Full Review
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Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume
Does it end on a high note or make you bang the keys?
Eternal sonata has by far one of the strangest premises to begin with: Chopin's on his deathbed, and while he drifts between life and death, he starts to be immersed into a strangely realistic yet surrealistic world with... Read Full Review
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One part action packed, one part irritating.
Stranglehold is essentially a sequel in video game format to a legendary film featuring Chow yung fat called Hard-Boiled, although you certainly won't need to see the movie to understand the "plot". Basically y... Read Full Review
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Rock Band 2
Is this game a rockin', or should you never come a knockin?
With the coming of Guitar Hero: World Tour, which music game manages to outweigh the other will become more important than ever - no one wants to pay $360 for 2 set of instruments and 2 games. Rock Band 2 is a traditiona... Read Full Review
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Tales of Vesperia
Was 10 years worth the wait?
When it comes to JRPGs, gamers tend to show a combination of excitement, and extreme caution. On one hand, there are the more high-quality popular franchises like Final Fantasy - and then, there's games like Blue Dragon.... Read Full Review
4 of 5 users found the following review helpful
Too Human
Fun as Hel or a pain in the Asgard?
After 9 years of development, a nasty lawsuit, and unimaginable hype from a relatively small developer, it's hard to know what to expect after putting the disc into your 360. After many hours of trying the majority of th... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
A diamond in the Rough.
I decided to edit my original review because the game really deserves more credit, and more time to discuss it than I had originally given it. So without further adieu, why this game is what we need more of. Welcome t... Read Full Review
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Bullet Witch
Good in theory, bad in everything else.
I'd recently decided to rent this, to see how good, or how bad the game turned out. Well, let's review the good, the bad, and the ugly. You're a witch... with unlimited ammo, regenerating health, and an immense amount of... Read Full Review
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Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Another surprise RPG hit.
Well, nintendo's done it again, surprisingly enough. The Mario and Luigi Superstar RPG has quite a few new twists, mostly coming in twos. In the action world of the gameplay, you'll literally be needing a combination of ... Read Full Review
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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum)
The Way It Ends.
The Metal gear series has had a collosally important role to play in the world of the Video game industry - whether looked upon from a gameplay perspective, a unique take on storytelling, or the many other reasons to obs... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Brain Dead 13
1part hilarious, one part frustrating, all around medicore.
Brain dead 13 was an old game a long time ago that basically tried to take the draon's lair formula and make a paper thin storyline with gimmicky characters engraved into it. What you got was partly amusing cutscenes, bu... Read Full Review
0 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Full Throttle
Bad to the graphical adventuring bone.
Full throttle, what can I say about the game? Yet another prized jewel from the good old day of DOS graphical adventures. You're ben, a motorcycle man who ends up getting involved with some rather snake-like characters, ... Read Full Review
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The Secret of Monkey Island
A diamond in the rough.
A long time ago, in a software company far far away, before Lucasarts made craploads of star wars games of all types, they were best known for their quirky, unique, and most memorable Adventure games for DOS: Full thrott... Read Full Review
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Out of This World
Strange, bizarre, but quite a fun little trip.
Out of this world... I haven't seen a game that looks and feels quite like this game. You're a scientist apparently that came up one night to a research facility messing around with some sort of accelerator, and whodathu... Read Full Review
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Myst (1995)
Where it all started.
Made entirely off of a mac(shudder), Myst truly set the way for point-click adventure games to come, with amazing hard work put in it and the results speaking for themselves. They say no man is an island but in this case... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
The epitome of Dungeon Crawlers.
A long time ago, on a PC far far away, I had gotten my hands on the first demo of Diablo, by the legendary blizzard, and had immediately fallen in love with the game. Hopefully, you'll get the same feeling if you happen ... Read Full Review
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
It only cost about $2 for me to rent this game reluctantly at family video, and after the time spent on it, I feel a little bit ripped off. Harry Potter's brand spanking new video game has the astoundingly well built hog... Read Full Review
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Conker's Bad Fur Day
A gem of the N64, an underappreciated work of art.
Conker's Bad fur day really came out of left field when it did, and I doubt anyone was expecting a game of that rating and type of humor would come out on a nintendo system as well. So you're conker, a slightly tipsy dru... Read Full Review
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Burnout Revenge
As fierce as the previous in the series, but doesn't add very much different.
Normally I don't like driving games too much but the way it's been designed for this is nothing short of absolutely brilliant. So, what does this game do differently, for those who've never seen it? The driving game uses... Read Full Review
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Kameo: Elements of Power
Not too original, but still enjoyable gameplay.
I had rather high expectations from kameo considering that the team making it was rare, and at the end I enjoyed it, but was hoping for a little more. The game takes you into the elven world. A long time ago, old wars wi... Read Full Review
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy
Intriguing storyline, more of the same gameplay but still rocks the boat.
Sam fischer, I just can't quit you... things get a little darker and a little more interesting in Splinter Cell: Double agent. And guess what, you get to be a double agent to figure out what the heck the JBA is doing in ... Read Full Review
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Perfect Dark Zero
Very, very overrated...
Perfect dark zero, where do I start? One thing that astonishes me about the game is how well the IGN and gamespot reviewers thought of the game. Having said that, let's get right down to the gameplay itself. You're Joann... Read Full Review
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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
How bad could a movie-to-game attempt be? Find out how much.
Fantastic four, the game.... I highly advise reading 80% of the reviews for this game before even thinking of touching this game in a rental place or even the thought of buying it. Movie-to-game attempts have been known ... Read Full Review
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Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Taking the x-mens legends formula to greater heights.
For those who never played x-men legends, this game takes a formula of squad-base action and fighting with some RPG elements, which was known as a fair success. Marvel: Ultimate alliance takes you into a story visiting a... Read Full Review
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Riot Act
Peculiar shooter with RPG elements. Repetitive but with a strange intrigue.
Ever wanted to be a super bio-engineered cop sent to kill thousands of gang members? Well, it's worth a look to try out this game(yes, the one with the halo 3 beta key). Crackdown takes place in pacific city, a city take... Read Full Review
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