The 360 seems to have better resolution output, which is pretty sad seeing as the PS3 has the blu ray they love to boast about which should offer more space to store larger better resolution textures. The shadowing is better on the 360 without a doubt, and the shading is better or everything except for batman which I think looks better (darker) on the ps3. The color depth seems to shift from game to game on which is better. CoD4MW2 was the give away. It seems the PS3 has more debris per level, posssbly due to it's multi core physics processing, but the 360 once again has an obvious texture advantage, mainly I noticed this with things like cracks in walls, soldiers uniforms and the like. The PS3 is getting closer, but it shouldn't be taking this long for developers to get higher or at this point equal quality texture work out of the PS3, I know the 360 has a better shading algorithm and that's life, but the textures should be worlds better than the 360 simply due to the space on a blu ray. It's pretty aggrivating when the PS3 is boasted as being so 'amazing' and better when the 360 pretty much always looks better, even if it's marginal, the fact is the 360 is how many years older than the PS3 and still putting out slightly better graphics? Of course how many 360s ate discs or red ringed during this test alone? Still have had zero problems with my PS3. Went through 7 360's until MS just refused to honor my service plan, now I have no 360.
This article is perfect proof of what's wrong, they ask big console companies who don't care, game developers that listen to statistics and print out sheets, they ask everyone on the 'inside' of the video game industry what's wrong... who is the one person they don't ask a thing to? THE CONSUMER. Even stating that the consumer is who matters feels like a shallow gesture at this point, ESPECIALLY from Nintendo, king and master of heartless, cold and calculated bland titles now. Do they even have real games on the Wii anymore? or just Snes/N64 classics with some current gen micro game junk? I can't remember anymore. Wanna know whats wrong with the industry? This trend of the industry aiming towards Casual gamers instead of 'Core' gamers. Core gamers BUILT this industry. Games like FF7 and Lunar, titles that have gone missing, even 'epic' RPGs have lost their soul and feel cold and as if they were designed to fit a research spread sheet instead of it being a true expression. Games used to be created, built with imagination and heart, now they feel like companies just take aim at a successful genre and build a title to adhere to it as closely as possible.No Soul. That's the industries problem, no heart and no soul. Games used to be made by nerds like us, now they're cranked out by massive corps that do 'market research' to figure out what is 'fun' and 'hot'. They treat the entire damn thing like a science experiment and not a work of art, like it should be.
No no no. I don't like this at all. All of MY content saved somewhere else entirely? Plus I have entire book shelves dedicated to my DvD, Anime and Video Game collection. I want a physical copy, hell I already feel ripped off by the cheap content quality of games now, so if this goes into full swing I won't even have ANY physical part of the game. I'll be completely swindled. Don't take me as some freak with government conspiracy stuff in my head, but the idea that this will save MY personal files in someone ELSES mainframe? No no no, the day that happens is the day I give up on consoles and computers entirely. It's not that I do illegal stuff or have secret documents on my computer, but I enjoy my right to privacy. I DO on the other hand like this idea of not having to upgrade consoles or parts, aswell the idea that the game is streamed to you is interesting. This would mean companies would no longer program for a specific Console OS, nor would they be required to yield to the consoles limitations. Companies could constantly push graphics boundries which would be amazing, every six months you would see a new game with amazingly better graphics. Of course all this is cute but not possible. Go out and download a super high quality video and play it on a computer with an out of date video card. It won't run correctly, period. While they claim it will never need replacing I'm afraid that's impossible. While a system far away could theoretically do the physics and core graphics number crunching, it comes down to display refresh rate. A decent CPU and GPU would still be required to be able to display the visuals well enough to be acceptable and over time (though more time than the average consoles life span) it would need to be replaced. Finally is the painful lack of bandwidth world wide, for those of you that don't know the whole planet is in a information crunch. We just plain don't have enough ways, nor fast enough ways to deliver content. Even with fiber optic single mode lines which are REALLY expensive to lay down, it's still not enough. Or what about areas in the world where people don't have good internet connections? For instance I live in a area where our ISP goes down at least twice a month for a day at a time, I'd be SOL with games. If they can price this box for under $100 bucks PLUS have a monthly of $25 or less... I'll try it, but I doubt I'll be impressed. Of course while I know this whole OnLive thing is stupid, I have a feeling it will blow everything else away... I've noticed more and more recently how stupid the masses are and how they gobble up the cr@p and leave the golden stuff. Society has become a complete photo negative of what it SHOULD be... so we'll see if the mass morons of the world swallow this whole just like the Wii.
He's not a Stalker per say, If you read into the story about white light and such and references to heat and such. It seems more that he was a member of the Manhattan Project, she couldn't stand what he was doing so she left him. Hence the wall of fire eating everything behind you as you run, it's the blast from the nuke... then again I guess the story is open to interpretation. Anyways these were all good, but I agree what about RE4? Maybe they can't mention it because of her age vs. his?... OH and what about Kingdom Under Fire:Circle of Doom or what not and that one guy that continuously tries to win that one girls heart by dueling the other guy? OH that was awful. Last two, Silent Hill 2, he comes back to find his love his wife and you find out HE killed HER, total rejection there. And last but not least lets not forget Dead Space, you come all the way out into space to find your wife, you talk to her, see her and find out she committed suicide. TOTAL rejection.
Un-interested, I'm not sure what POS system they're using but I go from shut down to ready mode with my PC RUNNING VISTA in 19 seconds. The fact is my personal experience is that vista is much faster than XP, and DX 10 is awsome. Overall I like Vista but I hate the compatibility issues, virtually everytime I install one game that means another game isn't going to work anymore. That DOES suck and I agree that's pethetic. it's also life, hope Windows 7 is better than that.
The problem is this gaming alliance, the see the only option to bringing pc gaming back as making more and more powerful and expensive cards and such. I can get a 360 for 400 a PS3 for about 600 or a pc for about 1500-2000... hmmm. Let me think what can I afford. 360 and PS3 both have great graphics, sure DX10 has some amazing features but I'm not hurting because i don't get those features. Gears of War was beautiful, and as long as games look like that I dont care if they're on 360 PS3 or PC. I don't need anything better than that, so 400 wins the war for me.
Vividnightmare's comments