No offense Redcoat, but there have already been multiple disc games. Blue dragon & Lost Odeyssy, so I am not sure why they could not release MGS4 the same way. It is way more popular and could easily make the money back.
VladTheImpaler's forum posts
I think they have aquariums up in that piece.deathtoallgods
Nah they have steam irons and shoe racks. Saw it on MTV.
I want to like this game by my feelings for Dennis Dyack have made that almost impossible. I realize that might be a horrible reason to not like a game but its almost like trying to enjoy a movie that stars an actor you just cannot stand. Very difficult.
I have to say that it is not like that at all. It is like not liking a movie because you do not like the Executive Producer. An actor is the main focus of the movie and you have to see them the whole time. If you are thinking about Dennis Dauack or whatever while playing a game you have some problems. Did the guy pull a roman polanski or something becuase that is a different story
Are those Ingame?
If so W:oW, The Grass and Shrubbery looks flawless, almost like artwork.
So does the explosion.
Guitar Hero 4 looks better anyway with the drums and all.AIH_PSP
Also the new slide guitar. Way better idea then the extra neck buttons on the Rock Band Guitar. They are almost immpossible to switch to and not make a mistake.
is it just me, or has the standard for gaming excellence gone down because of the poweful new systems? for example, in only the past 6 months, Gamespot has given out two perfect scores to games that, while very good and worthy of a 9.3 or 9.4, have been overhyped for small reasons. Yes, yes, GTA4 and MGS4 were awesome titles and some of the best this year, but I highly doubt that they were worthy of the same legendary score that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and the original Soul Caliber recieved. And if you look at IGN, you find more problems. For instance, on IGN, every game in the Ratchet and Clank series with the exception of Secret agent Clank recieved 9 and above. Yes, all of them were solid action platformers, but they did not deserve those high hype scores and those editor's choice awards. I beleieve that lately, video game reviewers have been blinded by new, improved audio visuals which, while part of the score, is far from all of it. In fact, I still find it more fun to play in the classic Tick Tock Clock world of the aging Super Mario 64 than to play infection multiplayer on the beautiful to watch Halo. SMB3 still appeals to me more than the average high tech, 3D game, and yet 2D reviews pale in comparison to the ones many 3D games like Gears of War and COTD4 recieve. Please post your opinion.
I think one major probelm with reviews is their scoring system. When all you can choose is a 9.0 or 9.5 or 10. It is very limiting becuase a game can be near perfection, but not quite a 10. In my mind a 9.5 does not represent near perfection, and that is why they had to give GTA4 and MGS4 10's. However the even worse ratings system are the 5 star system or the thumbs up and/or down system.
I have seen to many fanboys hyping Gears 2 too many times. I guess that's because the 360 has been lacking good exclusives in 2008. The PS3 already has Metal Gears Solid 4, Gran Tourismo 5 Prologue, and MLB '06: The Show. Sure, Gears 1 was a good game, but it was most widely praised for its graphics at a time when the PS3 was in its infancy and other Xbox 360 games looked rather weak. Thus, it's reality check time.
1. No game created on the Xbox 360 console will ever earn the honor of being the most technologically advanced game ever created. The PS3, barely a year and a half, already has Metal Gear Solid 4. Gears 2 and all other 360 games will be less technologically advanced than Metal Gear Solid 4. Only future PS3 games can match the MGS4's technological prowess.
2. Gears 2 will most likely not enjoy its graphics supremacy on consoles and will likely score lower than the first. The Xbox 360 is simply not technologically advanced enough. It lacks a Blu-ray disk, a Cell Processor, and a stadard hard disk drive. As such, Gears 2 will be monochromatic, abound with cartoony, oversized humans having unrealistic hair and unremarkable animation. It's multiplayer will remain quite small relative to the PS3's Resistance 2. Also, Gears 2 will not look much better than the best looking 360 games already out. Thus, praises given to Gears 1 for its graphics will not as high or as abundant.
3. Gears 2 will have to compete against a slew of high powered games from the PS3 as well, including Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 2, and other suprises shown in E3.
So be real, fanboys. In post Metal Gear Solid 4 era, the 360 is simply too limited to produce another game as advanced as the best PS3 games.
You put a MLB game in the same class as MGS4 I think you need a reality check. Second reality check Resistance was extremely "Cartoony", and only scored what it did becuase nothing else had been seen yet. (Just like what happened with Perfect Dark:Zero on the 360.) Third Reality Check you guys paid for a Demo, and Grid looks better anyways and has damage models.
Who dares sig me. You know that cost money right? Putting BlackBond in your sig isn't cheap. I go with the same rates as XBL :P
But yeah this guy is really wild sometimes. Its funny because he is like a string bean.
Are you saying buff guys that look latently homosexual, like the ones in your sig, are the only ones that can be "wild". What does the guys size have to do with his opinion especially in the video game world.
Why are unreleased games listed?X_CAPCOM_X
I have to agree. Those games could turn out to be average, I don't think any will be terrible. That being said, they ended up taking a ton of features out of Fable last time. Peter M. has made some pretty big promises about fable.
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