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#1 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

I want Elder Scrolls really bad, but the biggest reason for wanting it is because I can't stand the competitive gameplay of games like Halo and Call of Duty.you get alot jerks on those games,and so it ruins the game for me.I really like the exploring and freindly nature of games like Oblivion.There's no jerks in Oblivion.What do you think.THE-TRAP-CARD

You do know you play Oblivion by yourself. I would think that is why there are no"Jerks". If oblivion was played with other people the "Jerks" would be right there. I think you maybe just don't like online gameing.

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#2 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

Its second exclusive game and it Gets a 10! Metal Gear Solid 4 was so great it helped me finally make the decision of what my favorite system was! AND ITS THE PS3! I think when home comes out and updates are made to the online it will slowly eventually crawl to the top. This is just what I think, but I think the 360 is at its limits graphic wise. With the release of MGS4 people truly see its potential, but this is just the beginning. Who do you think will be crowned king in the following months?


Dude are you on crack, there have been a bunch of Ps3 exclusives. Try Uncharted, Rachet and Clank, Folklore, Lair, Heavenly Sword. Those are just off the top of my head.

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#3 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

Just another thought, if the dual layered Blu Ray disk can hold upto 50GB, could that give it the potential to replace tv show box sets with disks featuring the entire series or whatever on a single Blu Ray disk? Discuss.


I think so. I just rented the Company on Blu-Ray, everyhting including speacial features fit on 2 discs. The regualr version I saw had 5 or 6 discs, so yeah I think they will eventually be on One disc.

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#4 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Great post, but the actual thought behind it makes me chuckle. You have a well thought out opinion, which I completely disagree with. I'm all about games going mainstream and letting the cash roll in. It's time to kill off hardcore gaming all together.BioShockOwnz

I have no idea what it's like to live wishing for all goodness in the world to be replaced with the bland, commonplace, and mediocre. Can you even call yourself "alive" if you'd trade away art, beauty, and truth for the "almighty dollar"?

They're games for crying out loud. There's pleanty of other things to complain about. How about the economy? Our foreign policy? Obama and his far left liberal views? There's more things to worry about than games. At the end of the day, a game's a game to me. If it's fun, it's fun. If it's not fun, then it's not fun. I find beauty in life, not videogames.

You do know this is a gaming website and a gaming forum, right? That is probably why he is talking about games and not foreign policy. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, George Bush JR.

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#5 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts
  • It suffers from huge framerate issues during cutscenes
  • It suffers from very obvious slowdown during gameplay if there are more than a few badies on screen
  • The game often displays a loading message as the console struggles to load data from the DVD to the catch
  • Online play is terrible


None of those things were true when I played the Game. You probably have a crappy Xbox, or you just made this stuff up. Online play being terrible is your opinion, not a fact.

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#6 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

Honda outsells Mercedes. Shoot hyundai probably outsells mercedes. Don't make it better.
Timex over Rolex.
Walmart clothes over designers.


Wow you are way off on your comparisons. A mercedes costs anywhere from $40,000 to $1,000,000. While the most expensive Hyndaui is not even $40,000 dollars. For this comparison to work they would have to be the same price. Same thing with a Rollex and Timex. If they were the same price more people would buy a rolex.

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#7 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

ok with the summer who already starde i just got a new job and i want to buy a next gen console but i like halo 3 and metal gear i will like even more . So Basiclly what i am asking for is can anybady can give good reason and well explained why should i buy a console over a other one Kilagame16

Man are you in the wrong palce, if you really want a nuetral opinion that is.

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#8 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

They really aren't in trouble, Sony havn't even released their other big players yet, such as LBP, GOW3, FFXIII, FF vs XIII, Motorstorm 2, Killzone 2, and Infamous, and with MGS4's shifting of 1.4mil copies, Sony aint failing anytime soon.sl4y4

I do not think they are in touble either, but not becuase of the games you mentioned. GOW3 will not be out for another two years. Final Fantasy games probably a little earlier. The last Motorstorm was not that good of a game, AA maybe. Killzone 2 is totally unproven, also if Haze is any indication other things matter besides Graphics, and so far that is the only sure thing Killzone 2 has shown us.

MGS4 is maybe the best game ever made. On that alone you could say Sony was not going to fail.

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#9 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

I own both a PS3 and 360 and while i still think the 360 is currently the better console out of the big three i cant help but think that its just starting to feel a bit dated.. This happened the other day when I changed out my rechargeable batteries for the controller and realized that batteries will soon be a thing of the past i then looked at my 360 console and looked at that wireless adapter that i HAVE to have to gain wireless since it doesnt have built in Wifi.. Say what you will about the PS3 but the fact is that it is more "future proof" I know that term has been used to death but speaking as a PS3 and 360 owner I can vouch that yes while the 360 has the better game library, the PS3 is definatley a console for the future.

Once Ingame XMB hits with the PS3 that will be another feather in the cap so to speak by the way.


A new PS3 controller is like $60 bucks. A new battery is $15. Sounds like a better deal to me.

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#10 VladTheImpaler
Member since 2005 • 1028 Posts

Yes, and any better looking games such as Resident Evil 5, Far Cry 2 and Killzone 2 are all time/space anomalies.thrones

MGS4 looks better and is better than Killzone and Far Cry 2.