BTW - I want to recommend PC Gaming Fan. This is a site which collects information about interesting PC releases - both exclusives and multiplatform, from every possible genre. Enjoy. :) You can also show it to the people who claim that PC has only WoW and Farmville.
--== Where do you see the PC games industry in the next five years? ==-- [Pachter mode on] Digital download will flourish even more. And indie developers and their games. Also I don't think that new MS/Sony consoles will beat PC like it happened in 2005. They might be equal, but not better at start. Cloud gaming services (like OnLive) won't be a big success, I would rather say it will be quite big failure. [Pachter mode off] --== I wish ==-- More publishers with balls who know, how to sell games well on PC market. More respect from corporations (yes, Ubisoft & EA, I'm looking at you) - we don't need companies which looking how to s*rew the gamers most of the time. More developers like CD Projekt Red - DRM free policy, DLC's for free, fat retail editions (standard, not collector's), long support. More valuable data about PC market - we need a weapon to fight with hostile propaganda. More services like Less *PC gaming is dead" bullsh*t.
Nice read, but there should be more PC centric developers/publishers interviewed. Please notice, that only Paradox man knows exactly how PC market differs in Europe/US/Asia. Maybe you're not aware, but Germany is a European fortress of PC gaming - PC community there buys more games than German console players combined. Most impressing. Risen 2 and X Rebirth anyone? The same goes with Central and Eastern Europe. Do you know why shooter Hard Reset or RPG The Witcher 2 are PC exclusives? Because PC is the most popular platform in Poland. I am amazed how many games come from there: Bulletstorm, Call of Juarez, Dead Island, Sniper: Ghost Warrior, Two Worlds, The Witcher, Anomaly Warzone Earth, Hard Reset. Not everything PC exclusives, not everything good enough to buy and play, but still is worth to observe what these developers will make in near future. Similar thing with Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary etc. Just to name few titles and series: King's Bounty: Legend, Red Orchestra, Men of War, ArmA, Carrier Command, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. These game aren't so hyped as MW, BF or other Western blockbusters - but they still worth attention if you're looking for something original and fresh, something really new
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