I fall asleep in class, and sometimes I drool on myself, then my head snaps back and I get wiplash. Plus my shirt's nasty.sahredd that's nasty, I just fall asleep there, still sitting up. I probably look like im dead.
I fall asleep when I don't get enough sleep naturally, but if you wake me up and I'm still half-asleep I say stupid things out loud.
hmmmmm in this case i wanna b a pirrate and know the illegal way...unless its rly hard to do then nvmOT112233 first, you must get an eye patch, and then get yourself a pirate ship and your a pirate :) sorry if thats too hard
Nope. Actually, i don't eat popcorn if it isn't from the movies. Microwave popcorn is bland most of the time.bluezyI hate movie popcorn, stadium popcorn, etc. I usually eat the extra butter kind
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