@krystyla i understand WOW was made in a different time but i dont think thee should be so many complaints mmo's until maybe a year or 2 ago always had a fee so its not like we havent seen this. i know people can have there opinions but hey we should at least be used to this sort of thing
i think this is fine paying for an mmo isnt something that is uncommon look at mmo which is still considered the standard WOW which still has a fee its because it has a monthly fee and that money goes back into the game in many ways. If it will help the game in the long run then im on board
@Coren_Larken AC revelations and AC 3 were still good games thats why they got good scores but in terms of a sequal and the franchises momentum that has been slowing down
so another assassins creed already doesnt really bother me been like this since AC2. the franchise may be loosing its momentum though AC2 and AC brotherhood was the best 2 of the franchise not gonna say its been down hill from there but revalations didnt change enough and to me was boring not thaat it was a bad game just bad compared to the rest of the series. AC3 changed too much but for the better in some ways and not in others which i think made it better then at least revalations. I hope this one will be good and hey the navel combat in 3 was great why not more of that
this is definally not the futurei get that mobile gaming and taking games on the go is but a contorller with a screen attached is not it. if anyhting tablet gaming is going to get stronger and this is just not it
I think this is a good idea to have a contoller on a tablet becasue tablet gaming is evolving and will be the future of mobile gaming. but the controller needs to work with any tablet i have one and wont buy a new one just for this but i would buy the controller part becasue well any tablet game with the touch screen buttons and anolog stick i just cant play
more options in gameplay equal more sales simple as that but as long as the stealth element is still there you will see me hiding in the shadows just waiting for you to turn away and strike
hearing these updates on the situation just make me want it less i play skyrim on the ps3 and i can wait for it to be fixed but the more you update saying its not ready yet drives me away just dont give me any news on it unless it is done and i can download it
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