everyone knows what happened with dragon age 2 including bioware so i believe it will learn from that and make dragon age 3 a good game i have faith in them excited for this but will also be watching details on it closely
i owned a wii and only had acouple of games for it the nintendo exclusives mostly i had mario kart, super smash bros, legend of zelda. but for the first time since n64 im excited to get a nintendo console for more than the nintendo exclusives. im not gonna get it at launch because no games at launch intrest me but definally want one for the future
i think this is smart if your carrying yout tablet around with you maybe you want to play a more controlled game and not a game with a crappy touch scrrn anolog stick. as tablets get more powerful this is how it will be for gaming in my opinion something like this. the only thing i dont like is i think its being released at the wrong time wii u is coming out and next gen either next year or year after so yeah wrong timing but good idea
i dont think streaming is the way it will go but eventually way in the future i see games becoming downloadable only not more disc. and i also dont think consoles will be built into tv's
definally playing rouge/mage. and dont judge the game by the demo it isnt the full version and dont say the story is bad because no one knows the full story yet give it a chance
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