Now when someone askes "What good did you ever do playing your video gmaes all he time?" You can look 'em right in the eye ans say, "Curing Cancer, Jackass!"
not surprised by the rating at all...its a game that will score well regardless of its can this put the gamespot bias crap to rest...PLEASEEEE!!!
Actually no, this makes things worse because they even said that it looks, runs, and laods better than on the 360, AND that it was a better value with the expansion in it. Why then is it not higher then 9.6 (the 360 score)
ITs of no use. I don't have an HD tv, and I really don't need the extra space. I mean sure you need that space on a PS3 cuz it, you know, does things. All 360 does is play game, and you can rip cds that take up what like 700megs. If the 360 can start playing movies and things off my HDD than maybe, but untill then, my PS3 will do more than fine.
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